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Working and living in a country illegally



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Blessed is the country which has no emigrants, only "ex pats"...

    Illegal immigration was the norm for huge numbers of Irish, including from my own immediate family, in America in the 1980s. That money kept many a fire lighting on our little island during the "we can't all live on a small island"/"as a nation we are living beyond our means" days of the charvet-shirt loving Haughey kleptocracy.

    This is an unwelcome truth to many now that
    17.3% of this state's population was born abroad
    (i.e. a
    greater percentage
    than Britain, Germany or France has). It doesn't justify the astonishing myopia of current neo-liberal economic policy that depends on encouraging more cheap immigrant labour, but it should temper our reaction to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,433 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    If someone is working in a country illegally they should be deported, they made a choice to break the law and must deal with the consequences.
