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Blinds for bi-fold doors

  • 06-11-2017 11:43pm
    Registered Users Posts: 7,190 ✭✭✭

    I'm looking for ideas for blinds for 3 bi-fold doors in our kitchen. The doors were fitted 2 years ago and I've resisted putting blinds up but common sense prevails. I love the light and brightness but when visitors have to put their sunglasses on or turn their backs to the doors it's time to consider covering up.:D

    Google hasn't thrown up any decent suggestions so I'm hoping you can help. Do I go for 3 individual blinds set into each door or one full one right across the lot. I hate the thoughts of strings hanging down. The blinds won't be used that often, only for visitors. Any ideas ???

    I don't like the uneven look of these, they look messy

    The full one looks fairly sh1te too

