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I'm looking for a model of an Aer Lingus 747

  • 11-08-2017 8:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6,041 ✭✭✭

    Folks, Ihope you can help me.

    A very close family member was a Captain on the 747s in the 70s & 80s. He was always on the NYC run, staying over several ays & then on the run back, several days off & all over again.

    One of his most treasured posessions was one of the models they used to sell on board which sat in pride of place in his house. Unfortunately, several years ago he suffered a house fire & it was lost (along with the rest of his collection).

    His 75th birthday is approaching & I'd love to find one to give him. he always loved the 747 - used to call it his "office".

    I'd love to see the look on his face if I was able to replace it for him. It's just one of the plastic ones (hell, even one of the diecast ones would do), but it would bring a great smile to his face.

