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  • 13-01-2017 12:06am
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    Hi sorry I actually didn't know who to message to cut a long story short I am a mother of 2 a14 year old and a 7 year old they are very good kids well my mother was my rock she and my father minded my kids while me and my partner both worked full time sadly she died in April life has been tough on everyone especially my father anyway i try my best to visit my father everyday i even send my oldest son over to him just to make sure he is doing ok i only live 200 meters from him my sister lives maybe 1.5 mile away my father still takes the kids if i need him to he also minds my sisters kids who are very bold anyway i bring him shopping every Thursday and anytime i have to run to the shops i always check and see if he needs anything the problem is my sister does nothing for him she rings me and asks how daddy is or did i see him she never once brought him shopping well today he bought a new set of bed clothes off some fellas going around selling them €20 he sent them home to my sister i dont want the stupid bed clothes but it actually makes my blood boil i feel so unappreciated like the more i do the less anybody actually cares

    Feeling frustrated


  • Registered Users Posts: 31,829 ✭✭✭✭Mars Bar


    Hi Siluska,

    I've moved your thread to the personal issues forum. Please read the forum charter before continuing to post.

    Mars Bar

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,273 ✭✭✭racso1975

    Hey Sinead. I know it can feel like that and that nothing you do gets acknowledged but bottom line he's your dad and I have a feeling going by your you love him dearly. This is why you do what you do.

    Its less then a year since your mam passed away. Who like all Irish mammies did Trojan work around the place. It is still very early days and you seem to be adopting that role.

    While likely frustrated I would think you are more likely stressed out?
