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Telephone Bill Debts/Worries? Free Advice!

  • 09-10-2002 12:21am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭

    For anyone worried about how to pay off outstanding bills to "Rip-off" telephone companies.

    May I suggest. That M.A.B.S. - a government funded oganisation, called in full -"Money Advice and budgeting service"- who know their onions - and will mediate in writing on your behalf as a consumer.

    Are worth talking to as they will explain your legal rights and lift the burdenof you personaly having to talk or negotiate with the idiots in some companies Accounts and Credit control departments.

    The main bonus being is that it is a totally free service with offices throughout the Country, and people such as Eircoms accounts are obligated to co-operate with them?

    Just a suggestion to those who may be suffering , as I did.




  • Registered Users Posts: 1,534 ✭✭✭MDR

    *Ray writes on the back of his hand*

  • Registered Users Posts: 759 ✭✭✭El_MUERkO

    Cheers for the info I might ned MABS help yet :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,797 ✭✭✭Paddy20


    Thank you.

    Just hope it proves of help too some?

    It is not everyday that we are offered a "Confidential" and FREE, service that lifts the worry completely off our shoulders. Then acts with authority on behalf of the distraught consumer.

    Some of whom have even reached the edge of suicide, over telephone bill worries, particularly since the "Internet" became available in- family homes - with children, whose parents were ignorant of the true facts about the possible enourmous -telephone bills/ costs that were about to hit them?

    Until their illusions were" abruptly shattered " by a Rip Off, telecoms bill landing in their front hall. I wonder how many more people are now going to the "Money Advice and Budgetting Service" in the recent past. On this issue alone.

    Best wishes,


