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  • 05-11-2001 6:41pm
    Registered Users Posts: 16,409 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm surprised noone posted this already, but anyways just in case you know someone, who has a friend, who knows someones cousin, who
    is dumb enough to trust credit card details to Microsoft and Passport, check the

    Basically, the idea is that to get someones credit card details, you need them to
    read an email in their hotmail account. That's it. :)

    Exploit info at:


    > Looks like Passport had some fundamental flaws to the point that it was
    > possible to get access to peoples personal info like credit cards just
    > by getting them to open an email in their hotmail account.
    > I saw the following comment in /. about it:
    > New Passport Slogan...
    > Where did your wallet go today ?
    > Which was followed up by:
    > Linux Redhat: $59
    > AOL Account: $20 a month
    > Contribution to OSS fund: $1000
    > Charging it to Bill Gates Credit Card: Priceless
