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Opening ports in NIS2k1

  • 18-10-2001 10:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 15,355 ✭✭✭✭

    I use a popular p2p filesharing program(edonkey) that uses ports 4661,4662 and 4665 but its unusable when NIS2k1 is running, i've tried creating rules for these ports but its still blocking them.

    Doesnt make me very comfortable as when i'm using the particular program about all i can do in the meantime is go on IRC,and thats usually into *cough* channels where annoying someone is likely to a *breach*.

    Anyone know how to configure it to let this traffic through, or better traffic associated with this program, but only though ports 4661,4662 and 4665?

    OS is Win2k SP2,connecting through dialup.

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