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Should I go for orthodontic treatment?



  • Registered Users Posts: 999 ✭✭✭cregser

    I'll just add my story to show how common braces are these days.

    I have braces about 5 months now. It was decided I needed them in my final year of primary school. I got them in my final year of college. A 9 year waiting list! The government has finally opened a fancy new facility near where I live. But it's all free for me :D

    Every now and again I'd get something caught in my teeth and they would feel loose. A horrible feeling. I was self-concious about smiling (as my teenage photos show :)) My problem was a lone surviving baby tooth (at the age of 20) and a bit of over crowding on the top jaw. I had to get 4 teeth removed. The baby tooth and 3 premolars got the pull. I found 2 to be fairly painful but it might have been the psyhcology of it all.

    Everyone said my smile was "fine" before and that the braces are "not noticable" now. I dunno, maybe I just associate myself with nice people, because I tend to spot braces fairly quickly. And I was always concious of mine. My confidence did take a hit. The initial pain was there - not a problem for me. But, I was afraid to smile around friends for a while and tried to surround myself with understanding people who once had or have braces, or might be getting them soon.

    But it's been 5 months now and I almost accept them as a part of me. That sate of mind where something only effects you as much as you allow it to. And I can't boast about having 4 teeth yanked out of my gob after a mate of mine had EIGHT EXTRACTIONS - but under general anestethic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭djmarkus

    I would recommend geting ceramic brackets on the top anyway, they are clear so thy arent as noticable as the metal ones. cost a bit more but it worth it

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,031 ✭✭✭lomb

    that adds another 1500 to the cost andalthough they look good cause problems sometimes with damage to the teeth they are put on (but not always)still they do make the whole thing bearable
