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Chip and a chair

  • 16-05-2005 10:15am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭

    A few of us went to the kildare tourney on friday night last. Well run 69 players.
    Came to final two tables of 9, first hand got QQ, one lad was all in on bb, next player raised half of his chips 10k, fold, fold ,flod I go all in for another 10k, He calls , turnes up 10/10, Flop - rag,Q, j, turn 9 river 8 dam straight. Left me with 1500 in chips with blinds 2k/4k. At least I had a few hands to wait before blinds came to me , picked one k/10s all in for my measly 1500, won.
    kept going got to final table with 34k. between the two big stacks, first hand rags, next on bb 7/2 off, on sb 8/3 off, button 7/2 off, said to myself after all this work going out in 9th for €100, final got a few cards and made final 2.
    Went into heads up about 2/1 up in chips, first hand kj he went all in I called I was ahead he hit I didnt. struggles on stealing some blinds, a lot of calling blinds and seeing flops.
    Eventually got kk went all in he called AA bloody hell AA&KK heads up aa held up. kept going about even on chips on bb 5c2s he called. flop 10h/5/2h. I raised 50k he thought and went all in. i had just over 200k at this stage while he had just under. I decided that he had a flush draw and 2 over cards and folded. We geting v tired at this stage.
    Next hand, k8 s, called blind , flop q/10/4 . he bet 50k, dont kniow what way I looked at my hand but was sure I had top pair, went over top, he thought for what seemed an age and called he had 10/2, it stood up , Home I went. €400 for my trouble and 1750 in chips for the vegas game.
    Still thinking of the pair of 5's.
