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Contact fault on Signet 200 - I want to remove contact from system

  • 11-10-2024 6:38am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 635 ✭✭✭

    Hi, My parents recently got a new porch door fitted, it an inner porch door, so it's behind an exterior door. This inner door has an alarm contact and has gone faulty/disconnected since the new door was fitted. We do not need the contact on this door any more and we wish to completely remove this from the Signet 200 system.

    I have downloaded the user manual, is it just a matter of "isolating" this fault from the system (as per section 4.1 from users manual - see below). Or do I have to do some jiggery pokery from the engineer settings?

    Much appreciated.

    1. User Menu Options
      The following functions are available to users through the navigational menus on the Keypad.
      In navigation mode, the user selects one of a number of pre-defined programming options from a list. Pressing the
      up/down arrow keys scrolls through the list of options available for selection.
      4.1 Isolating a Zone or Fault
      Zones or faults on the system can be manually isolated from the Keypad.
      Isolating a zone removes that zone from the system until the user de-isolates it.
      To isolate a zone:
    2. Enter a valid user code.
    3. Using the up/down arrow keys, scroll down to the MENUS option and
      press SELECT (right soft key).
    4. Scroll down to the ISOLATE option and press SELECT (right soft key).
    5. Scroll down to the ZONES option and press SELECT (right soft key).
    6. A list of zones on the system is displayed. Select the required zone and
      toggle the setting from NOT ISOLATED to ISOLATED using the
      up/down arrow keys.
    7. Press SELECT (right soft key) to exit User Programming.

