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Removing adhesive (I think) from patio

  • 21-08-2023 8:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,206 ✭✭✭

    Hi, we got a patio done about 3 months ago. The tiles are a white or slight off white colour. Anyway the guy that did it seems to have left what seems like a layer of glue on the top, I mean all over the patio.

    I wouldn’t have even known it was glue only it was sticky on the day or two after he finished.

    The thing is it seems to have had stains under it since day one which we can’t budge. I’m convinced there’s a layer blocking the stains because some of his boot footprints are underneath and also some red chalk marks where he’d been marking things.

    Is this normal and is there anything that can budge it?

    Dont get me wrong it is possible with about 2 hours work to remove about 5cm squared but also I’m terrified of destroying the tiles in the process.

    Post edited by zig on

