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creating pond in front of period property

  • 08-06-2023 5:29pm
    Posts: 0

    Wondering if anyone has suggestions for pond size and shape/design in large grassed front of old Georgian House. I'd like to incorporate flower beds on some symmetrical plan around the pond. I'm guessing there's a design appropriate to the period.

    The house is detached five-bay two-storey over part raised basement country house.



  • Registered Users Posts: 28,256 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    Maybe someone here has a pond in the style you are looking for, but I would suggest that you do a bit of research on Georgian gardens so you understand the general style, then incorporate a pond.

    I would imagine a square or rectangular pond placed centrally to the house with formal stone slab paving overhanging the water slightly, then a path, then flowerbeds. With a fountain, I think. But what I know about Georgian gardens would not fill a postcard much less a book, so take that with a pinch of salt!
