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Garden shed insulation?

  • 21-01-2023 11:37pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 91 ✭✭kefflin

    Just got a new garden shed that will be plumbed for washer and dryer. Is there a need to insulate the shed? Was thinking maybe a general purpose foil insulation stapled internally to the walls. Òr is it overkill and a waste of money?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭MicktheMan

    Will there be a heat source? If not then what are you trying to insulate?

  • Posts: 0 Luis Wide Schwa

    In general Ireland isn’t cold enough for a washing machine in a shed to have any issues. Just insulate the supply line pipe work.

    You possibly might need to insulate it if you’re inland and up a mountain or something like that, but if regular hard freezing isn’t an issue where you are, it’s not worth worrying about.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 93 ✭✭CHorn

    Looking to do the same. Asking around and some research, came to same conclusion as @[Deleted User], i.e. should be OK. Getting elec/water in wasn't an issue, waste water out took a little more thought but wasn't too far to the sewer line.

    Then for dryer you've got to account for getting steam/water out...

    Could I ask what shed you went for (even if by PM)? Thanks.

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Posts: 0 Luis Wide Schwa

    If it’s a modern heat pump dryer apart from it using about 700W or less instead of 3000W, it should just be a matter of connecting a small tube to the drain pipe. It usually fits in along side the washing machine drain pipe into the same stand pipe.

    If it’s a ‘traditional’ condenser dryer, you should use it in your own house as they dump the heat into the air to condense the steam. Way more inefficient, but at least you’re getting the benefit of the lost heat into your house.

    Vented dryers that blow the heat steam outside are best avoided. Ludicrously expensive to run. You’re effectively just blowing the heat out a hole in the wall.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 91 ✭✭kefflin

    Yeah just worried about hard frost during the winter affecting the washing machine or dryer.

    It's up off the ground so maybe no real cold

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 91 ✭✭kefflin

    Would a 2 inch pipe with a decent fall be ok for washing machine waste just putting it into the sewer.

    Tumble dryer will be just vented out the back

    Post edited by Mike on

  • Posts: 0 Luis Wide Schwa

    Just make sure there’s an U bend fitted on the end of the stand pipe, otherwise you can get sewer gas back into the shed or issues with insects getting in if it’s draining into a gulley.

    The only other issue is to make sure you’re adequate power.

    A non heat pump dryer can draw about 2800W continuously. A washing machine can draw a lot of power while heating, much like a kettle boiling, but they don’t keep heating.

    A 20Amp circuit can be insufficient for the two together. Also it’ll exceed the rating of a double socket plate, which is only 20amps for the two together, rather than 26 amps (2 x 13)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 93 ✭✭CHorn

    I think IIRC I even had a 1" pipe on my old machine for waste water out, but I'd imagine depends on model. Maybe post model and someone can advise?

  • Posts: 0 Luis Wide Schwa

    European washing machines are all the same spec for these things. It’s not model dependent.

    A 40mm stand pipe is normally used. Something like this:

    It really should have a trap on the end. If it’s a direct connection to an underground line, it’s absolutely essential. For a gully connection it’s still preferable to avoid snells and insects, even though sewer gas is impossible.

    You usually just push the drain hose into the standpipe far enough to ensure it won’t slip back out but not so far as it gets submerged in the U bend.

    If you get a heat pump dryer, they’ll usually have a very narrow flexible hose for the drain which mostly will fit in next to the washing machine drain hose in the same down pipe. They’re not much wider than a drinking straw

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,231 ✭✭✭fitzparker

    Im Thinking of doing the same in the summer. won't be insulating

    Currently we have a vented dryer in a keter past 3 years, something like this, been working perfect so im sure a shed is grand

    Cut a hole for plug and have the vent going back into the condenser kit (about €10 in argos) we then leave the door ajar on keter for any excess steam

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