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Freesat Recorder Remote Control Question

  • 23-09-2022 7:37am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 506 ✭✭✭

    Hi i am thinking of purchasing the new Freesat recorder box, 2tb. My only question is, does the remote conflict with the existing saorview connect box that i have. Eg. I currently have a Humax Freesat 1100s and the remote operates both boxes which is annoying.


  • Company Representative Posts: 17,715 ✭✭✭✭Richersounds.ie: Kenny

    Hi Construct06.

    Thanks for the post.

    Unfortunately I would have no way of knowing that.

    We don't sell any Soarview boxes so its not something I can even try here at the store.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 506 ✭✭✭construct06

    I figured out that you can reprogramme the freesat to a different frequency so it does not now interfere with the saorview box... might be helpful for others...

    How can I stop my Freesat remote clashing with other devices?

    If you find that your remote control inadvertently controls other devices with an infrared receiver in your home, then you can reprogram your remote to a different frequency to prevent this from happening. 

    How to change the frequency of your remote control

    1 - Press and hold the red colour button and the AD buttons on your Freesat remote control for three seconds then release the buttons. The LED will light up and stay on to show that the remote is ready to be programmed.

    2 - Press HOME on your remote control

    3 - There are 6 frequency codes available to programme your Freesat remote to. Press and release the number button for the frequency you wish to set (1 to 6), note that code 1 is the default set-up. 

    4 - The TV will then turn off to confirm that the code has been set.

    5 - Press the OK button on your remote control to save this code.

    If you experience interference with a code that you have selected, try another until you get the right set-up for you and your device.

  • Company Representative Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭Richersounds.ie: DavidS

    Thanks so much for sending that across construct06, I'll make sure to file that info in case we need it in the future.

    If you do need anything else please don't hesitate to drop us a post!

    Kind regards


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1 ken8em

    That works nicely to stop the Freesat remote operating the Saorview Connect box. But is there a similar process to stop the Saorview remote operating the Freesat box?

  • Company Representative Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭Richersounds.ie: DavidS

    Thanks for the post ken8em, I've had a look on Saorviews Help page and they don't have a similar section for remote support from what I can see!

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