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What's your electricity bill with ev

  • 03-07-2022 3:19pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 415 ✭✭

    Wondering what the average electricity bill is currently.

    We just received ours €500 for 2000 units this includes charging. Is this excessive

    Just want to compare others.


  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators Posts: 6,783 Mod ✭✭✭✭graememk

    Well 2000 units is on the high side. Maybe the previous read was an estimated one?

    Are you on a Day/night meter?

    When is the last time you switched? (have you lost the contract "discount") whats your unit rates?

    How much have you driven? / What do you drive?

    To give some perspective, our car does 300-400 km/week and we use about 400kwh per month or about 800 per 2 months.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 415 ✭✭Liam2021

    We have an id4 and id3. on the id4 1600km per month.

    The id3 would be 1000km about per month.

    Unit price is running out the end of the month. Its a standard meter at a rate of .2326 this includes vat and its rural.

    ( I know it's high but we had credit from volkswagen when we purchased the id4 of €675)

    I will be changing just don't know which plan to go with yet.

  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators Posts: 6,783 Mod ✭✭✭✭graememk

    Get a day night meter ASAP. Especially with 2 EVs. I think I'd switch, then ring them to request a day night meter, they will book you in with esb for the swap. Its free.

    *You might not need to actually change meter, if it's one of the newer digital ones it's just a change of what way it'd read.

    And charge them overnight.

    I think the going night rate is about 10ish cents now.

    Say an average of 17kwh/100km

    The id4 will use about 300/month so 600kwh/ bill

    Id3 will use about 190/m so 380kwh per bill.

    That's about 1000 kwh, and if your previous bill was estimated it could easily skew it.

    With that milage your chatting about 520 for fuel alone if you were still on ice!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,552 ✭✭✭DC999

    Hey. Are you asking if you did actually use 2000 units in 2 months? If you know you did, then skip to point 2. First off check if either are estimates (last bill or this one) as graememk says.

    Your car charger (or maybe car) can show the actual usage I reckon.

    If you want to check the usage figures, you can do back of the envelope. You said you did about 5200kms between 2 cars over 2 months. In our Leaf (slow city driving like Miss Dasiy) that would be about 1050 units. We get a 5 to 1 ratio. So 50 kms uses 10 units. Graememk's ratio was about 4 to 1. So if you were closer to his, your 5200kms divides by 4 is 1300 units.

    If you use around the average of 3500 units a year for the gaff (bonkers said its roughly that) that's another 600 or close. So that takes you to 1900 units between car and gaff for the 2 months.

    Have a heat pump in the house? I see other threads about unexpectedly high usage on those.


    Then the next Q is how to reduce the costs. Nightrate meter as graememk says and move provides when you have (bonkers or whereever).

    All meters are going to be replaced with smart meters at some point. But cross that bridge then.


    Always worth seeing can you use less electricity. That's the biggest saving of course :)

    Then move stuff like dishwasher, washing machine, immersion (if used) to night rate. And as much else as you can.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 415 ✭✭Liam2021

    I have a smart meter but we never activated it. I will need to contact the current provider to get it changed to Day/night meter.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 142 ✭✭Jaymacc

    With a heat pump and EV we have opted for the rural day / night meter and gone with the Engeria 41percent discount plan. It seems to still be the best option and is about 12c at night and 22c during the day. The aim is to charge cars and have washing machine and dishwasher and drier set for night time use which works well. Best of luck with it.
