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Turning off email notifciation

  • 04-05-2022 10:53am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 150 ✭✭

    Hi, how do I turn off email notification for followed threads? Thanks!

    Post edited by Spear on


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Help & Feedback Category Moderators Posts: 9,812 CMod ✭✭✭✭Shield


    Click the little bell up in the top right hand corner, beside the envelope icon. This open up the Notifications drop-down list of options. Click on the icon that’s like little 3 horizontal lines, and you’ll brought to the Notifications Preference page.

    Depending on what you want, either take the tick out of the box that says:

    ”Notify me when people comment on discussions I've participated in”

    Or if that doesn’t work, take the tick out of the box that says:

    “Notify me when people comment on my discussions”


    ”Notify me when people comment on my bookmarked discussions”

    One of the above should do the trick.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 150 ✭✭speckledhen

    Brilliant thanks for that 😊
