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Dynamo exchange service

  • 16-04-2021 5:17am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,114 ✭✭✭

    Could anyone point me in the direction of a supplier of Lucas dynamos that do an exchange service?


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 463 ✭✭Testacalda

    Lots of UK company do exchange dynamos, like ESM Morris Minors for example.
    Don't know of any Irish companies off hand

    Obviously you have one yourself to exchange and I assume you need a refurbished one, so why not bring your one to an auto electrician and have it rebuilt / refurbished.

    Lots of places will do it, very routine job if it's a standard Lucas dynamo, even if it is old technology.

    D&R Auto Electrical in Naas or Autostart in Rathcoole would be where I would go, depends where in the country you are though.

    edit: If you are trouble shooting I always start with the regulator box

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 502 ✭✭✭FR85

    I'd head to Balfes in Rathcoole if you were in a position to, I brought over a dynamo off a Fiat 850 and he had all the bits to rebuild that,, very fast turnaround also.

  • Moderators, Motoring & Transport Moderators Posts: 2,948 Mod ✭✭✭✭macplaxton

    3rd Autostart / Balfe's Rathcoole, had a solenoid replaced on an old Ducellier starter there.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,114 ✭✭✭freddyuk

    Ended up getting a Dynamator which was easier and cheaper than dynamo and regulator service.
    Down in West Cork not much other choice.
    Very pleased with result though.
