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Eir F3000 modem issue?

  • 30-01-2021 11:54am
    Registered Users Posts: 360 ✭✭

    Hi all, I recontract with Eir(FTTC) this week and as part of the deal they sent out their new F3000 modem to replace my F2000, which I had to send back.

    Everything is set up and internet is working but I notice when I log into the modem the max attainable rates match my synch rates. I'm on a 90/20 profile and assume a bit of a buffer is good here for a stable connection? On my old F2000 modem it used to report max attainable around 110Mb down & 27Mb Up.

    The download noise margin is also been reported as zero and from what I read online this should be causing the connection to drop? Also the encapsulation mode is ATM but I noticed on other threads were Eir users have posted their stats, their mode is PMT. Does this make a difference?

    I've attached a screen shot of the stats and any advise would be greatly appreciated as when Monday comes there will be two of us in the house relying on the broadband for working from home and also the little one for home schooling.

