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February 2021 Boards weather forecast contest

  • 29-01-2021 10:50pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭

    1. Predict the IMT for Feb 2021, the 1981-2010 average is 5.3 C. The IMT is the average monthly temperature for five locations, Claremorris, Mullingar, Casement, Oak Park and Shannon.

    2. Predict the MAX for Feb 2021 based on daily extremes at 25 regularly reporting locations on the website.

    3. Predict the MIN for Feb 2021 based on daily extremes at 25 regularly reporting locations on the website.

    4. Predict the PRC for Feb 2021 based on percentage of normal Feb precip at eleven locations, the five mentioned in part 1 above, plus Malin Head, Belmullet, Ballyhaise, Cork, Johnstown Castle and Valentia.

    5. Predict the SUN for Feb 2021 based on percentage of normal Feb sunshine at six locations, Belmullet, Casement, Dublin, Cork, Shannon and Valentia.

    6. BONUS: Predict the lowest daily maximum temperature for the month, and the location (date not required).

    Normal values __ 5.3 _ 15.5 _ -6.5 _ 100 _ 100 ___ 3.0

    M.T. Cranium ___ 4.2 _ 15.7 _ -9.2 _ 070 _ 110 ___ -1.0 Markree

    Deadline for entries 0300h Monday 1st Feb then one point for every six hours or portion, to 1500h Tuesday 2nd, after which one point per hour would be deducted.

    Good luck !



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,351 ✭✭✭pauldry

    Pauldry ___ 4.1 _ 15 _ -8.2 _ 079 _ 105___ -2 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,782 ✭✭✭Bsal

    Bsal __ 3.9 _ 14.0 _ -10.0 _ 110 _ 107 ___ -1.0 Mount Dillon

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,913 ✭✭✭Danno

    Danno ___ 1.7__ 11.9 _ -14.2 _ 085 _ 175___ -4.0 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 583 ✭✭✭dasa29

    Dasa29 ___ 4.5__ 11.5 _ -8.0 _ 105 _ 115___ -2.0 Mullingar

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 286 ✭✭eon1208

    5.0, 15.9, -6.2, 119, 96, 0.5 - Mullingar.

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  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 18,573 Mod ✭✭✭✭DOCARCH

    DOCARCH ___ 3.6__ 14.2 _ -7.2 _ 096 _ 110___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,145 ✭✭✭John mac

    john mac__ 5.0 _ 12.5 _ -5.5 _ 110 _ 106 ___ 2.2 Markree castle

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 352 ✭✭kindredspirit

    Kindred Spirit ___ 5.00 ___ 14.4 ___ -7.0 ___ 110 ___ 95 ___ 0.0 Markree Castle.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24 WesternStorm

    WesternStorm ___ 4.8 ___ 14.5 ___ -6.0 ___ 105 ___ 98 ___ 0.0 Knock Airport

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 17,225 Mod ✭✭✭✭Gonzo

    Gonzo ___ 2.9 _ 15.9 _ -12.8 _ 072 _ 112___ -2.4 Ballyhaise

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,789 ✭✭✭✭sryanbruen

    sryanbruen ___ 4.7 _ 15.1 _ -5.3 _ 090 _ 100 ___ 0.8 Knock

    Photography site -

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 218 ✭✭CirrusBusiness

    CirrusBusiness___4.7__14.2__-9.3__80__105__-1.3 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,012 ✭✭✭mr.stonewall

    Mr stonewall___4.4____14.4___-7.2____83____91___-0.8 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,494 ✭✭✭Jpmarn

    Jpmarn __ 4.8_ 14.8_ -7.8 _ 115 _ 110 ___ -0.8 Knock Airport

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 383 ✭✭waterways

    waterways __ 4.7_ 14.5 _ -9.5 _ 95 _ 107 ___ 0.6 Mount Dillon

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    appledrop__4.3__14.0__-5.8__110__100__1.8 Knock

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 745 ✭✭✭Tae laidir

    Tae laidir ____ 4.9_ 14.3 _ -8.0 _ 84 _ 108 ___ 0.4 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,848 ✭✭✭dacogawa

    Dacogawa ___ 4.4 _ 14.1 _ -8.7 _ 105 _ 100__ -2.2 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,789 ✭✭✭Joe Public

    Joe Public ___ 4.0 _ 13.9 _ -8.1 _ 85 _ 121 ___ -2.1 Casement

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭Artane2002

    Artane2002__ 4.3 _ 15.8 _ -7.0_ 085 _ 110 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    this is probably the most difficult one so far for me hence why I left it till the last minute!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Artane2002 wrote: »
    Artane2002__ 4.3 _ 15.8 _ -7.0_ 085 _ 110 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    this is probably the most difficult one so far for me hence why I left it till the last minute!

    I'm the same Artane, I'm looking at everyone else min monthly score compared to mine and wondering if they know something I don't!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 402 ✭✭mrskinner

    Skinner____4.9____13.9____-7.9____79____109____0.9 Markree

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 851 ✭✭✭adam240610

    adam240610 ____4.6__14.8__-6.9__101__122__0.1__Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭BLIZZARD7

    BLIZZARD7___ 1.3__ 14.3 _ -13.7 _ 080 _ 170___ -4.7 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,728 ✭✭✭SleetAndSnow

    SleetAndSnow ___ 3.4 _ 14.6 _ -11.2 _ 87 _ 103___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 698 ✭✭✭Tazio

    Tazio ___ 3.0 _ 12.0 _ -7.5 _ 100 _ 125___ -5.5 Cork Airport

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,616 ✭✭✭200motels

    200motels 4.5 _ 15.3 _ -7.3 _ 091 _ 102 ___ 0.7 Knock

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 198 ✭✭sunflower3

    Sunflower3___ 3.2_ 13.5_ -6.8 _ 80 _ 95___ -2.4 Ballyhaise

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,376 ✭✭✭Funsterdelux

    Funsterdelux___ 3.7_ 15_ -8.5 _ 90 _ 96.4___ -1.7 Mullingar

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Table of forecasts -- February 2021

    FORECASTER _________ IMT _ MAX _ MIN _ PRC _ SUN ___ Low max, loc'n

    ___ NormaL __________ 5.3 _ 15.5 _ -6.5 _ 100 _ 100 ___ +3.0 (loc'n by climat)

    Eon1208 _____________ 5.0 _ 15.9 _ -6.2 _ 119 _ 096 ___ +0.5 Mullingar

    Kindred Spirit _________ 5.0 _ 14.4 _ -7.0 _ 110 _ 095 ____ 0.0 Markree

    john mac _____________5.0 _ 12.5 _ -5.5 _ 110 _ 106 ___ +2.2 Markree

    Tae laidir _____________4.9 _ 14.3 _ -8.0 _ 084 _ 108 ___ +0.4 Ballyhaise

    MrSkinner ____________ 4.9 _ 13.9 _ -7.9 _ 079 _ 109 ___ +0.9 Markree

    WesternStorm _________4.8 _ 14.5 _ -6.0 _ 105 _ 098 ____ 0.0 Knock

    Jpmarn ______________ 4.8 _ 14.8 _ -7.8 _ 115 _ 110 ___ -0.8 Knock

    sryanbruen ___________ 4.7 _ 15.1 _ -5.3 _ 090 _ 100 ___ +0.8 Knock

    waterways ____________4.7 _ 14.5 _ -9.5 _ 095 _ 107 ___ +0.6 Mount Dillon

    CirrusBusiness ________ 4.7 _ 14.2 _ -9.3 _ 080 _ 105 ___ -1.3 Ballyhaise

    adam240610 __________4.6 _ 14.8 _ -6.9 _ 101 _ 122 ___ +0.1 Ballyhaise

    200motels _____ (-3) ___4.5 _ 15.3 _ -7.3 _ 091 _ 102 ___ +0.7 Knock

    Dasa29 ______________ 4.5 _ 11.5 _ -8.0 _ 105 _ 115 ___ -2.0 Mullingar

    Mr stonewall __________ 4.4 _ 14.4 _ -7.2 _ 083 _ 091 ___ -0.8 Ballyhaise

    Dacogawa ____________ 4.4 _ 14.1 _ -8.7 _ 105 _ 100 ___ -2.2 Ballyhaise

    ___ Con Sensus _______ 4.4 _ 14.4 _ -7.5 _ 090 _ 106 ___ -1.0

    Artane2002 ___________ 4.3 _ 15.8 _ -7.0 _ 085 _ 110 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    appledrop ____________ 4.3 _ 14.0 _ -5.8 _ 110 _ 100 ___ +1.8 Knock

    M.T. Cranium __________4.2 _ 15.7 _ -9.2 _ 070 _ 110 ___ -1.0 Markree

    Pauldry ______________ 4.1 _ 15.0 _ -8.2 _ 079 _ 105 ___ -2.0 Ballyhaise

    Joe Public ____________ 4.0 _ 13.9 _ -8.1 _ 085 _ 121 ___ -2.1 Casement

    Bsal _________________3.9 _ 14.0 _-10.0_ 110 _ 107 ___ -1.0 Mount Dillon

    Funsterdelux ___ (-4) ___3.7 _ 15.0 _ -8.5 _ 090 _ 096 ___ -1.7 Mullingar

    DOCARCH ____________ 3.6 _ 14.2 _ -7.2 _ 096 _ 110 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    SleetAndSnow __(-2)____3.4 _ 14.6 _-11.2_ 087 _ 103 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    Sunflower3 ____ (-3) ___ 3.2 _ 13.5 _ -6.8 _ 080 _ 095 ___ -2.4 Ballyhaise

    Tazio _________ (-2) ___3.0 _ 12.0 _ -7.5 _ 100 _ 125 ___ -5.5 Cork Airport

    Gonzo _______________ 2.9 _ 15.9 _-12.8_ 072 _ 112 ___ -2.4 Ballyhaise

    Danno _______________ 1.7 _ 11.9 _-14.2_ 085 _ 175 ___ -4.0 Ballyhaise

    BLIZZARD7 ___________ 1.3 _ 14.3 _-13.7_ 080 _ 170 ___ -4.7 Ballyhaise


    29 forecasts to this point, all are below the February average IMT ... shades of Dec 2010.

    Con Sensus is the median value, 15th ranked ... will change slightly if any further entries are

    For low max location, the count of stations suggested is

    Ballyhaise _____ 13 ___ Con Sensus scores 3 if correct

    Knock _________ 5 ___ Con Sensus scores 2 if correct

    Markree ________4 ___ Con Sensus scores 2 if correct

    Mullingar _______ 3 ___ Con Sensus scores 2 if correct

    Mount Dillon ____ 2 ___ Con Sensus scores 1 if correct

    Cork, Casement _ 1 each Con Sensus scores 1 if correct

    all others _______ -- ___ Con Sensus scores 0 if correct

    (Normal scores 3 for any of the above that got 2+ votes, 2 or 1 by climatology otherwise)

    Your score will be based on the order (1st, 2nd, 3rd) of the low max at the location you selected.

    Any qualifiers that occur at other stations will be disregarded in that part of the scoring, but counted for

    the 7/10 portion related to the temperature value. Superbonus of 1 or 2 available on this one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 745 ✭✭✭Tae laidir

    Yesterday's Min Max 3.0 at Knock.
    Should be broken today!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Yes, the intention will be to maintain a log of 1-2-3 cold max values from today on, people are welcome to take this on but I will be checking the numbers and upgrading any reports that appear if they don't show the updated 1-2-3 (if they are up to the contest standard then I will just thank the post and move on). If a station produces a second or third value that ranks 1-2-3, ignore it as the objective is to determine the first, second and third ranking locations, not the first, second and third ranking values (e.g., Knock could hold all three after three days colder than anywhere else, but we still need to know what location got to the second coldest extreme and third coldest for scoring).

    Meanwhile, here's a summary of first week stats ... as always courtesy of a little outfit known as Met E.

    IMT was 5.8 which was about 0.7 above normal (Casement did not appear in the ag summary for some reason, but is available in monthly data, their anomaly estimated).

    MAX has been at least 11.4 (I looked back at a few likely locations once I realized the cold spells might prevent the early weak candidates from being overtaken, if 11.4 holds then we'll be needing minimum progression for scoring).

    MIN has not been tracked with the colder spell looming, until today I don't think there have been any sub-zero mins.

    PRC has been approx 140% (it was apparently missing rainfall data that kept Casement out of the ag summary as their monthly reads n/a). I checked daily values and compared with Dublin, all the values are there so I'm not sure what issue kept Casement from getting a total or a spot in the ag summary. The total was a little lower (mostly on the wettest day, the 2nd) so I estimated Casement at 200% compared to 235 for Dublin.

    SUN has been around 44% of normal (est Casement 30% based on all daily values and comparison to Dublin again). Only Cork managed to reach normal, everywhere else was even cloudier than the average (Johnstown Castle which we don't use was 63%).

    The low max will be tracked starting today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Monday 8th (low max)

    1. Knock 1.7

    2. Cork 2.3

    3. Casement 2.5

    (low min now -1.6 Gurteen)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Tuesday 9th Low Max:

    1.Knock 1.5

    Then we have Dublin, Cork, Dunsany and Mullingar all tied on 1.9 in 2nd place!

    New Min -2.2 Knock on 9th although I'd say last night will be colder when stats come in.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    New min of -4.2 at Mt Dillion on 10th.

    No change to Low Max but its a cold one out there today so it could change again by tomorrow!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Low Max Scores:

    1. Knock 1.4, 11th

    2. Casement 1.8 11th

    3.Dublin, Cork, Dunsany, Mullingar 1.9- 9th & Athenry Ballyhaise 1.9 on 11th!

    M.T don't know how your going to score 3rd if it stays like this!

    Thanks for a brilliant bonus question M.T I've enjoyed tracking it all week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Thanks, I agree with your list, scoring for all those tied third (if they hold up) would be one out of three points to anyone who chose any of them as their location, Con scores two and Normal scores three for Knock.

    The four closest to 1.4 score seven out of seven available and then groups of three to seven take the rest of the points, with groups determined by similar errors.

    So unless there's another cold spell the current points would look like this (s.b. is superbonus) :

    Temp pts _ Forecaster (fcst) __ loc'n s.b. __ TOTAL

    7 pts __ Appledrop (+1.8) ____ 3 + 2 _____ 12
    _______MrSkinner (+0.9) ____ 0 _________ 7
    _______sryanbruen (+0.8) ___ 3 + 2 _____ 12
    _______200motels (+0.7) ____ 3 + 2 _____ 12

    6 pts __ waterways (+0.6) ____ 0 _________ 6
    _______ John mac (+2.2) _____0 _________ 6
    _______ Eon1208 (+0.5) _____ 1 _________ 7
    _______ Tae laidir (+0.4) _____ 1 _________ 7

    5 pts __ Adam062410 (+0.1) __ 1 _________ 6
    _______ Western Storm (0.0) __3 _________ 8
    _______ Kindred Spirit (0.0) ___0 _________ 5
    __________ NormaL (3.0) _____3 _________ 8

    4 pts __ JPmarn (-0.8) ________3 _________7
    _______ Mr stonewall (-0.8) ___ 1 _________5
    __________ Con sensus (-1.0) _ 2 _________6
    _______ M.T. Cranium (-1.0) ___0 _________4
    _______ Bsal (-1.0) __________ 0 ________ 4

    3 pts ___DOCARCH (-1.2) _____ 1 ________ 4
    _______ SleetAndSnow (-1.2) __ 1 ________ 4
    _______ Artane2002 (-1.2) ____ 1 ________ 4
    _______ Cirrus business (-1.3) _ 1 ________ 4

    2 pts __ Funsterdelux (-1.7) ____1 ________ 3
    _______dasa29 (-2.0) ________ 1 ________ 3
    _______ Pauldry (-2.0) _______ 1 ________ 3
    _______ Joe Public (-2.1) _____ 2 ________ 4
    _______ dacogawa (-2.4) _____ 1 ________ 3
    _______ Sunflower3 (-2.4) ____ 1 ________ 3
    _______ Gonzo (-2.4) ________ 1 ________ 3

    1 pt ___ Danno (-4.0) ________ 1 ________ 2
    _______ BLIZZARD7 (-4.7) ____ 1 ________ 2
    _______ Tazio (-5.5) _________ 1 ________ 2


    One other contest note of interest, the IMT is currently on 4.1 and if today's mean were to come in at 2.0, that would make it 3.9, possibly the low point for the month?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    The station that surprised me for low max was Athenry. I was tracking it yesterday and at one stage it was looking like it would over take Knock.

    All the others in top three like Ballyhaise, Mullingar etc were stations most of us guessed that are usually colder than normal but not that one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 745 ✭✭✭Tae laidir

    Snow in the West.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    New Max 12.4 on 13th Valentia.

    Today and tomorrow looking very mild so I'd say we will have a new Max of 13 or 14 degrees.

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  • Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 18,573 Mod ✭✭✭✭DOCARCH

    Max of 13.9c at Mount Dillon yesterday.

    By looks of forecasts, should see higher somewhere in the next week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    After two weeks ...

    IMT back up to 4.4 with the second week average 3.0 which was 2.4 below normal for the week.

    MAX 13.9 and MIN -4.2

    PRC is now at 116% with the second week registering 93% of normal, Cork had a significant surplus and a few other places were rather dry.

    SUN remains well below normal at about 50%. The second week average was 54.5% (327/600) and Cork only 7% while Belmullet had more than their normal amount.

    Low max contest scoring is shown in previous post (unless we get another cold spell that alters any of the locations or the current low max of 1.4).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    After three weeks ...

    IMT has soared to 5.6 C with this past week 8.1 which was 2.6 above normal. This could edge up towards 5.9 or 6.0 for a finish (which will bring in our good friend minimum progression).

    MAX still 13.9 and MIN -4.2

    PRC now at 157% of normal with this past week 240% of normal, heaviest in the south. With the expected deluge coming, this could finish up around 200%.

    SUN has improved to 77% with the past week rather bright despite all the rain, at 132% (792/600). This may finish as high as 85% with today getting some sun and more expected later in the week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,288 ✭✭✭appledrop

    New Max 14.6 Phoneix Park on 23rd.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Thanks for posting that Appledrop, I came in today thinking I had better check the data from yesterday but probably one of the crew would have checked it earlier and for the first time this month I was right (well it's not quite that bad but we are all looking at the IMT finishing very likely above average where we all went below from those robust cold signals earlier -- the cold came and went, this response was perhaps inevitable in the current climatic regime, shows once again how unusual months like Dec 2010 and Mar 2013 have become).

    By the way, after 23 days the IMT has increased further to 5.9. I estimate it might touch 6.0 after today's data then could drift down slightly from Thursday to Sunday, where the estimated average might be 5.0 so that the outcome is most likely to be 5.9 again.

    As to the impact of the two day rainfall 22nd-23rd, that appears to have given us the guarantee of an outcome at 140% of normal (which is based on current totals vs monthly averages) and that means we are actually now at 150% of the normal amount to this date, then adding in what's likely to be the totals for today, and estimates for tomorrow, those won't move the meter very much so I would speculate the outcome may be near 145% of normal values for PRC.

    That means PRC will also be scored off minimum progression as our wettest forecast was 119% (Eon1208 can look forward to the max points).

    Unless there is wall to wall sunshine Friday to Sunday the SUN stat is unlikely to be dragged upwards very far from current estimate of 75%. Our lowest forecast there was 91% (Mr Stonewall) so that also appears destined for slightly boosted scoring. With our general consensus for significant cold many of us overestimated how deep into the negative realm the MIN could go, seems unlikely that these coming cooler nights will move the current lacklustre -4.2 that the cold spell provided. This will also need some help from our friend Minimum Progression, sryanbruen (-5.3) and John mac (-5.5) were at least in the general vicinity but not close enough to thwart the full application (raw scores for them would be 11 and 8 out of 20).

    The only element that seems to be scorable without intervention is MAX where the con sensus value is 14.4, Sleet and Snow hit the current value right on and several were 0.1 out.

    I could score the contest right now given all of these factoids but will hold off to see if anything changes. Will open up the March contest tomorrow evening or at least have it ready for Friday morning.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    After four weeks, more or less the final data for February (to be checked against Monthly Summary) ...

    IMT finished on 6.1 C, fourth week average was 7.5 (1.6 above normal).

    MAX 14.6 and MIN -4.2

    PRC finished around 146% with the fourth week average at 115% of normal.

    SUN finished about 97.5% of normal with the fourth week at 159% (956/600).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,789 ✭✭✭Joe Public

    After four weeks, more or less the final data for February (to be checked against Monthly Summary) ...

    IMT finished on 6.1 C, fourth week average was 7.5 (1.6 above normal).

    MAX 14.6 a

    nd MIN -4.2

    PRC finished around 146% with the fourth week average at 115% of normal.

    SUN finished about 97.5% of normal with the fourth week at 159% (956/600).

    I should be good for ~ 10 points :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Validation from MS and direct from climate data,

    IMT _ 6.1 ... MAX _ 14.6 ... MIN _ -4.2 ... PRC _ 148% ... SUN _ 102%

    Scoring for February 2021

    FORECASTER _________IMT_MAX_MIN_PRC_SUN___Bonus ____ TOTAL

    Kindred Spirit _________ 23*_ 18 _ 15*_ 12*_ 09 ___ 05 _____ 82

    WesternStorm _________18*_ 19 _ 17*_ 10*_ 09 ___ 08 _____ 81

    Eon1208 _____________ 23*_ 07 _ 16*_ 14*_ 09 ___ 07 _____ 76

    Jpmarn ______________ 18*_ 18 _ 12*_ 13*_ 08 ___ 07 _____ 76

    sryanbruen ___________ 16*_ 15 _ 19*_ 04*_ 10 ___ 12 _____ 76

    ___ NormaL __________ 24*_ 11 _ 15*_ 08*_ 10 ___ 08 _____ 76

    appledrop ____________ 10*_ 14 _ 17*_ 12*_ 10 ___ 12 _____ 75

    john mac _____________23*_ 00 _ 18*_ 12*_ 09 ___ 06 _____ 68

    adam240610 __________14*_ 18 _ 15*_ 09*_ 06 ___ 06 _____ 68

    200motels _____ (-3) ___14*_ 13 _ 14*_ 05*_ 10 ___ 12 __68-3=65

    Tae laidir _____________20*_ 17 _ 08*_ 03*_ 09 ___ 07 _____ 64

    MrSkinner ____________ 20*_ 13 _ 12*_ 02*_ 09 ___ 07 _____ 63

    waterways ____________16*_ 19 _ 06*_ 06*_ 09 ___ 06 _____ 62

    Dacogawa ____________ 11*_ 15 _ 11*_ 10*_ 10 ___ 03 _____ 60

    ___ Con Sensus _______ 11*_ 18 _ 12*_ 04*_ 08 ___ 06 _____ 59

    Mr stonewall __________ 11*_ 18 _ 14*_ 03*_ 08 ___ 05 _____ 59

    CirrusBusiness _________16*_ 16 _ 06*_ 02*_ 09 ___ 04 _____ 53

    Bsal _________________05*_ 14 _ 06*_ 12*_ 09 ___ 04 _____ 50

    DOCARCH ____________03*_ 16 _ 13*_ 06*_ 08 ___ 04 _____ 50

    Artane2002 ___________10*_ 08 _ 14*_ 03*_ 09 ___ 04 _____ 48

    Pauldry ______________ 07*_ 16 _ 10*_ 02*_ 09 ___ 03 _____ 47

    Dasa29 ______________ 12*_ 00 _ 11*_ 10*_ 07 ___ 03 _____ 43

    Joe Public ____________ 06*_ 13 _ 10*_ 03*_ 06 ___ 04 _____ 42

    SleetAndSnow __(-2)___ 02*_ 20 _ 04*_ 03*_ 10 ___ 04 __43-2=41

    Funsterdelux ___ (-4) __ 04*_ 16 _ 08*_ 04*_ 09 ___ 03 __44-4=40

    Sunflower3 ____ (-3) ___01*_ 09 _ 16*_ 02*_ 09 ___ 03 __40-3=37

    M.T. Cranium __________08*_ 09 _ 07*_ 01*_ 08 ___ 04 _____ 37

    Tazio _________ (-2) ___01*_ 00 _ 12*_ 08*_ 05 ___ 02 __28-2=26

    BLIZZARD7 ___________00*_ 17 _ 00*_ 02*_ 00 ___ 02 _____ 21

    Gonzo _______________01*_ 07 _ 00*_ 01*_ 08 ___ 03 _____ 20

    Danno _______________00*_ 00 _ 00*_ 03*_ 00 ___ 02 __ 05-->10


    Notes: * elements are given boosted scores by minimum progression rule.
    Minimum score of 10 applies to one total.

    Raw scores were generally one third to one half of boosted scores. Our leader KS (83) had a raw score of 50, Western Storm
    would have scored 57. Since the max, sunshine and bonus scored normally, those account for most of the raw scores.

    Scoring parameters will be checked after the MS review.


    (actual forecasts)

    FORECASTER _________ IMT _ MAX _ MIN _ PRC _ SUN ___ Low max, loc'n

    ___ NormaL __________ 5.3 _ 15.5 _ -6.5 _ 100 _ 100 ___ +3.0 (loc'n by climat)

    Eon1208 _____________ 5.0 _ 15.9 _ -6.2 _ 119 _ 096 ___ +0.5 Mullingar

    Kindred Spirit _________ 5.0 _ 14.4 _ -7.0 _ 110 _ 095 ____ 0.0 Markree

    john mac _____________5.0 _ 12.5 _ -5.5 _ 110 _ 106 ___ +2.2 Markree

    Tae laidir _____________4.9 _ 14.3 _ -8.0 _ 084 _ 108 ___ +0.4 Ballyhaise

    MrSkinner ____________ 4.9 _ 13.9 _ -7.9 _ 079 _ 109 ___ +0.9 Markree

    WesternStorm _________4.8 _ 14.5 _ -6.0 _ 105 _ 098 ____ 0.0 Knock

    Jpmarn ______________ 4.8 _ 14.8 _ -7.8 _ 115 _ 110 ___ -0.8 Knock

    sryanbruen ___________ 4.7 _ 15.1 _ -5.3 _ 090 _ 100 ___ +0.8 Knock

    waterways ____________4.7 _ 14.5 _ -9.5 _ 095 _ 107 ___ +0.6 Mount Dillon

    CirrusBusiness ________ 4.7 _ 14.2 _ -9.3 _ 080 _ 105 ___ -1.3 Ballyhaise

    adam240610 __________4.6 _ 14.8 _ -6.9 _ 101 _ 122 ___ +0.1 Ballyhaise

    200motels _____ (-3) ___4.5 _ 15.3 _ -7.3 _ 091 _ 102 ___ +0.7 Knock

    Dasa29 ______________ 4.5 _ 11.5 _ -8.0 _ 105 _ 115 ___ -2.0 Mullingar

    Mr stonewall __________ 4.4 _ 14.4 _ -7.2 _ 083 _ 091 ___ -0.8 Ballyhaise

    Dacogawa ____________ 4.4 _ 14.1 _ -8.7 _ 105 _ 100 ___ -2.2 Ballyhaise

    ___ Con Sensus _______ 4.4 _ 14.4 _ -7.5 _ 090 _ 106 ___ -1.0

    Artane2002 ___________ 4.3 _ 15.8 _ -7.0 _ 085 _ 110 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    appledrop ____________ 4.3 _ 14.0 _ -5.8 _ 110 _ 100 ___ +1.8 Knock

    M.T. Cranium __________4.2 _ 15.7 _ -9.2 _ 070 _ 110 ___ -1.0 Markree

    Pauldry ______________ 4.1 _ 15.0 _ -8.2 _ 079 _ 105 ___ -2.0 Ballyhaise

    Joe Public ____________ 4.0 _ 13.9 _ -8.1 _ 085 _ 121 ___ -2.1 Casement

    Bsal _________________3.9 _ 14.0 _-10.0_ 110 _ 107 ___ -1.0 Mount Dillon

    Funsterdelux ___ (-4) ___3.7 _ 15.0 _ -8.5 _ 090 _ 096 ___ -1.7 Mullingar

    DOCARCH ____________ 3.6 _ 14.2 _ -7.2 _ 096 _ 110 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    SleetAndSnow __(-2)____3.4 _ 14.6 _-11.2_ 087 _ 103 ___ -1.2 Ballyhaise

    Sunflower3 ____ (-3) ___ 3.2 _ 13.5 _ -6.8 _ 080 _ 095 ___ -2.4 Ballyhaise

    Tazio _________ (-2) ___3.0 _ 12.0 _ -7.5 _ 100 _ 125 ___ -5.5 Cork Airport

    Gonzo _______________ 2.9 _ 15.9 _-12.8_ 072 _ 112 ___ -2.4 Ballyhaise

    Danno _______________ 1.7 _ 11.9 _-14.2_ 085 _ 175 ___ -4.0 Ballyhaise

    BLIZZARD7 ___________ 1.3 _ 14.3 _-13.7_ 080 _ 170 ___ -4.7 Ballyhaise


    29 forecasts to this point, all are below the February average IMT ... shades of Dec 2010.

    Con Sensus is the median value, 15th ranked ... will change slightly if any further entries are

    For low max location, the count of stations suggested is

    Ballyhaise _____ 13 ___ Con Sensus scores 3 if correct

    Knock _________ 5 ___ Con Sensus scores 2 if correct

    Markree ________4 ___ Con Sensus scores 2 if correct

    Mullingar _______ 3 ___ Con Sensus scores 2 if correct

    Mount Dillon ____ 2 ___ Con Sensus scores 1 if correct

    Cork, Casement _ 1 each Con Sensus scores 1 if correct

    all others _______ -- ___ Con Sensus scores 0 if correct

    (Normal scores 3 for any of the above that got 2+ votes, 2 or 1 by climatology otherwise)

    Your score will be based on the order (1st, 2nd, 3rd) of the low max at the location you selected.

    Any qualifiers that occur at other stations will be disregarded in that part of the scoring, but counted for

    the 7/10 portion related to the temperature value. Superbonus of 1 or 2 available on this one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,811 ✭✭✭✭M.T. Cranium

    Total scores for 2021 contest year Jan-Feb, Four Seasons scoring

    rank _ FORECASTER ________ Jan _ Feb ___ TOTAL ___ (rank Jan)

    _01 __ sryanbruen __________75 _ 76 ____ 151 ____ 04

    _02 __ Kindred Spirit ________58 _ 82 ____ 140 ____ t11

    t 03 __ dacogawa ___________79 _ 60 ____ 139 ____ 02

    t 03 __ JPmarn _____________63 _ 76 ____ 139 ____ 08

    (05) __ ___ NormaL _________59 _ 76 ____ 135 ____(t10)

    t 05 __ tae laidir ____________67 _ 64 ____ 131 ____ t05

    t 05 __ Appledrop __________ 56 _ 75 ____ 131 ____ 15

    _07 __ john mac ___________ 62 _ 68 ____ 130 ____ 09

    _08 __ eon1208 ____________53 _ 76 ____ 129 ____ 18

    t 09 __ Adam240610 ________ 58 _ 68 ____ 126 ____ t11

    t 09 __ Western Storm _______45 _ 81 ____ 126 ____ 22

    _11 __ Mr stonewall _________65 _ 59 ____ 124 ____ 07

    (t11)_____ Con Sensus ______65 _ 59 ____ 124 ____(t07)

    _12 __ MrSkinner __________ 58 _ 63 ____ 121 ____ t11

    _13 __ waterways __________55 _ 62 ____ 117 ____ 16

    _14 __ Artane2002 _________ 67 _ 48 ____ 115 ____ t05

    _15 __ sunflower3 __________76 _ 37 ____ 113 ____ 03

    _16 __ Pauldry ____________ 58 _ 47 ____ 105 ____ t11

    _17 __ DOCARCH __________ 54 _ 50 ____ 104 ____ 17

    _18 __ 200motels __________38 _ 65 ____ 103 ____ 26

    _19 __ Gonzo _____________ 81 _ 20 ____ 101 ____ 01

    _20 __ funsterdelux ________ 59 _ 40 _____ 99 ____ 10

    t 21 __ Bsal _______________41 _ 50 _____ 91 ____ t23

    t 21 __ dasa29 ____________ 48 _ 43 _____ 91 ____ 20

    _23 __ Cirrus Business ______35 _ 53 _____ 88 ____ 27

    _24 __ M.T. Cranium _______ 47 _ 37 _____ 84 ____ 21

    _25 __ Joe Public __________ 41 _ 42 _____ 83 ____ t23

    _26 __ SleetandSnow _______30 _ 41 _____ 71 ____ 29

    _27 __ sdanseo ____________51 _ --- _____ 51 ____ 19

    _28 __ Danno _____________38 _ 10 _____ 48 ____ 25

    _29 __ Bazlers ____________ 34 _ --- _____ 34 ____ 28

    _30 __ BLIZZARD7 _________10 _ 21 _____ 31 ____ 30

    _31 __ Tazio ______________--- _ 26 _____ 26 ____ ---


    Four Seasons 2020-21 Contest

    For those who are new to our contests, this one is just a contest within the main contest, you get points for each of the four seasons as follows: 10 points for high total score, 7 for second, 6 for third, 5 for fourth, 4 for fifth, 3 for sixth, 2 for seventh, and 1 for 8th to 10th place inclusive. Con Sensus and NormaL play but their ranks don't bump any points away from lower scoring forecasters.

    New this year, you will also get one point for a finish lower than 10th but higher than 180 points which maintains an average of 60.

    The winter portion of this contest is now over and I have added Dec 2020 scores to the above totals, to find the top ten, with points awarded. I show the total scores for anyone who played all three months or had a good total for two tries.



    dacogawa ________ 219 _________ 10

    JPmarn __________ 215 __________ 7

    sryanbruen _______ 214 __________ 6

    Western Storm ____ 207 __________ 5

    john mac _________ 202 __________4

    __ Con Sensus ____ 202 __________(3)

    tae laidir _________ 201 __________ 3

    Mr stonewall ______ 198 __________ 2

    Appledrop ________ 196 __________ 1

    __ NormaL _______ 192 __________ (1)

    Artane2002 _______ 188 __________ 1

    MrSkinner ________ 186 __________ 1

    Eon1208 _________ 184 __________ 1

    Pauldry __________ 183 __________ 1

    Adam240610 ______183 __________ 1

    sunflower3 ________181 __________ 1

    waterways ________180 __________ 1

    DOCARCH _________171 _________ --

    Gonzo ___________ 171 __________--

    Bsal _____________ 167 _________ --

    funsterdelux _______164 _________ --

    dasa29 ___________ 163 _________--

    M.T. Cranium ______ 151 _________--

    SleetAndSnow _____ 131 _________ --

    sdanseo (2/3) _____ 123 _________ --

    Joe Public _________122 _________ --

    Danno ____________108 _________--

    BLIZZARD7 _________50 _________--


    Thanks for participating in the winter contests, good luck the rest of the four seasons.

    Congrats to sryanbruen for leading the 2021 contest after two months, and also to dacogawa for winning the Winter portion of the Four Seasons.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 745 ✭✭✭Tae laidir

    The Leader Board of cumulative yearly scores for each of the categories. Penalties disregarded.
    44 Eon1208
    44 john mac
    43 Jpmarn
    42 Kindred Spirit
    41 sryanbruen
    40 waterways
    35 Tae laidir
    34 DOCARCH
    33 sryanbruen
    33 Mrstonewall
    33 Mr Skinner
    36 Sunflower3
    32 Adam240610
    30 sryanbruen
    30 Mrstonewall
    30 Dacogawa
    30 Jpmarn
    25 Kindred Spirit
    23 Dacogawa
    23 Dasa29
    21 john mac
    20 Eon1208
    19 john mac
    19 Eon1208
    19 Bsal
    19 NormaL
    19 WesternStorm
    21 Appledrop
    20 sryanbruen
    20 200motels
    18 WesternStorm
    17 NormaL

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