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Amazon account deleted

  • 05-11-2020 3:40pm
    Registered Users Posts: 358 ✭✭

    Hello all

    Recently I was on webchat to an Audible rep and requested that my Audible US account be closed. He was happy to process the request. No problem I thought

    Shortly after I tried to log in to my Amazon account only to find out my entire Amazon profile (incl purchase history, kindle books, audiobooks and other digital content) has been deleted

    I've spent several hours on the phone to their Customer Service team and I've sent various emails and web chats. They keep telling me that I need to create a new account from scratch. When I complain that I'm being punished because an employee incorrectly deleted my entire account, I get an apology and told that my query has been sent to another team that might help.

    This team eventually responds, tells me they cannot reinstate the account, and that I need to create a new one. I then complain again, explain my issue, and the refer my query to another person/team. This basic happened at least 5 times already and I'm getting nowhere

    Are there any other avenues available to me? I've threatened to complain to Data Protection Commissioner but they dont appear to take me seriously.

    I've lost several hundred euros worth of digital content due to their error. Ive even asked about getting a credit on my new account as compensation but they are not playing ball

    Any advice appreciated


  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭Enrico Palazzo

    I can see some logic in what happened in that once you create an account on any of amazon sites, you can use that account on all the others (At least all European and the US one) with no additional steps, so it makes sense that getting it deleted would have an effect across all sites too. Too bad their CS didn't know that or didn't think of warning you of it.
    Sorry I can't offer any advice, hopefully they are wrong about this as well now and there is an option to have your account restored. It's about time some some regulations are put in place to protect user/customer's rights to their accounts and the digital content and services they had paid for.
