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Private property rights

  • 20-12-2019 8:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,384 ✭✭✭

    Im not sure where to start really, have made related enquiries to an ongoing problem, basically live beside a rented property where the tenant has behaved anti socially (to keep it at its simplest without getting sidetracked).
    The tenant has quoted private property rights regarding some of my complaints, but they have damaged my property in one area, in a minor but rectifiable way and in another way, they have carried out works themselves that have desperately built over my property and very close to it in a questionable way. I suppose this is made complicated by the fact it appears the landlord is ignoring/not making themselves available/lives abroad and possibly never lived here.

    Now I find it ridiculous that a tenant cites to me private property rights for intrusion on my right to peaceful occupation of my property, damage to my property. Is this something that would be viewed dimly in Court by a Judge? and can be enforced, am I likely to get damages for rectifying damage? and have them forced to correct building problems?
    Do they have the same rights I have or in the same way, as the property is not their private property?
    Ive tried reading a few threads regarding private property rights and some of their actions are not in the common good of neighbours generally, but other people are more reluctant to get involved even though they have expressed concern.

    Is there a particular type of solicitor I should approach for this? do they make an application for Court?

