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Mission : Break 1:40 for HM

  • 27-05-2019 2:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭

    So starting a new log for the first time in 3-5 years. Previous history:

    5k: 19:38 2016

    10k : 42:07 2014

    Half 1:39:30 2013

    Marathon: 3:41 2013

    Last year my results weren't great:
    5k 20:24
    10K 43:15
    Half: 1:41:23 (Charleville)

    This year is a mix bag.

    1:40:15 for Bohermeen and 44 flat for Dunboyne 10k. No speed in legs for that race. Out with a rib injury for 5 weeks and back 1 week running.

    Aim is to break 1:40 for Charleville. Will do mostly 5k work up till the end of June to get some speed back.

    Last Week Running:

    Monday 20th
    10 x 1 min with 1 min recoveries.

    Tuesday 21st
    Easy Run 8.86k, Time 50:25, HR: 148

    Thursday 23rd
    Staff Relay 5K Time 21:50 HR 135

    Friday 24th
    Easy Run: 8.25k Time:46:45 HR 155

    Sat 25th
    Long Run: 16k Time: 1:26:46 HR 150
    Comfortable run, felt easy and very controllable.

    Mon 27th
    Easy Run 8.25k, Time: 46:25 HR 156
    Comfortable run, felt easy.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Tuesday 28/5
    Club Session 10 x 1 min, 1 min rec
    Distance: 6.84k HR 133
    Average pace for each interval was 3.27 min/km

    Tough session on the grass, but a good speed workout. Legs needed this badly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,761 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Following with interest as I have the same (dream) goal for Tullamore HM, however beginning at a slower startpoint!
    Are you going to follow any particular half plan?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    ReeReeG wrote: »
    Following with interest as I have the same (dream) goal for Tullamore HM, however beginning at a slower startpoint!
    Are you going to follow any particular half plan?

    No particular half plan, just focusing on 5k speed till end of June and then start adding in kms/mile reps that I will do with the club, some 7 mile hm pace runs and a good few long runs over the 21k distance.

    I went stale before the race last year so need to get the speed stuff in.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Wed 29/5

    Late Recovery run
    Distance 9.25k Pace 5:31 Time 51:07. Hr 161

    Recovery run, nice relax run, not sure why hr was high

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    An eventful weekend, Daughter ended up in the Crumlin Hospital on Thursday night and all day Friday, all ok but weekend plans all changed.
    Had a bout 1 hour sleep on Thursday night.

    Thursday 30/5
    Club Session 3 x 8 mins, 3 min rec
    Distance: 9.14k

    Rep 1 4:13 per k

    Rep 2 4:09 per k
    Rep 3 4:17 per k

    Heat played a part in this session. But it was an improvement on 2 weeks ago and felt stronger.

    Saturday 01/06 Long Run

    Distance 16k Time : 1:25:54

    Laps of the local park as didn't want to be too far from home in case they needed me.

    Run felt comfortable considering I had gotten around 8 hours sleep over the 2 days.

    Sunday 02/06 Recovery Run

    Distance 10k Time : 57:51
    The weekend caught up on me here, run felt comfortable but knew the body was tired and off. Again laps of the park. Rest day on Monday.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Tuesday 4/6
    8 x 400, 1 min Rec
    Distance: 6.89k

    Did this in St Stephens green, not ideal conditions or a place for a accurate time on reps with the tree cover.
    Session was just average.
    Reps were:
    1) 96 secs
    2) 96 secs
    3) 94 secs
    4) 98 secs
    5) 97 secs
    6) 98 secs
    7) 96 secs
    8) 98 secs

    With the club on the track I would run these faster, last March was doing 5 x 1k's on the track in 3:46.

    Just seems to be no speed in my legs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Wednesday 5/6
    Recovery Run Distance: 9k Average Pace: 5:37 Time 50:35

    Had to do this late last night as was busy with the little one swimming.
    A nice easy run, legs felt good.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,611 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Tuesday 4/6
    8 x 400, 1 min Rec
    Distance: 6.89k

    Did this in St Stephens green, not ideal conditions or a place for a accurate time on reps with the tree cover.
    Session was just average.
    Reps were:
    1) 96 secs
    2) 96 secs
    3) 94 secs
    4) 98 secs
    5) 97 secs
    6) 98 secs
    7) 96 secs
    8) 98 secs

    With the club on the track I would run these faster, last March was doing 5 x 1k's on the track in 3:46.

    Just seems to be no speed in my legs.

    Wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Those splits are perfectly good enough for a 1:40 HM goal. Speed isn’t your issue - it’s endurance. The 3x8m tempo went well enough too so it’s a good week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Wouldn’t be too hard on yourself. Those splits are perfectly good enough for a 1:40 HM goal. Speed isn’t your issue - it’s endurance. The 3x8m tempo went well enough too so it’s a good week.

    Yeah endurance is an issue but working on it. Planning to make the long run 25k in July and August and a 10 mile medium run to work. I am a bit miff at my endurance though as always do the long run and quality Tuesday and tempo on Thursday

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Thursday 6/7
    4 Mile(6.4k) tempo faster than hm pace

    Total Distance 11.50k Tempo 4:30 per k

    Splits: 4:28, 4:24, 4:33, 4:29, 4:38, 4:27,4;21(last 400m)

    Session on my own, went ok, 5th k struggled a bit but then picked up nicely for the last k.

    Will plan another one next week and will go at 4:35 to see how it feels.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Friday 7/6
    Recovery Run
    Distance: 8:25 Avg Pace 5:40 per k, Time: 46:48

    A nice run around the canal and down by the Coombe. Nice way to spend lunch time.

    Plan is for a 21k this weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Sat 8/6
    Long Run
    Distance: 18k Avg Pace 5:32 per k, Time: 1:39:41

    Really struggled to get out of bed early for this. Body was tired, legs didn't want to do this.
    Eventually got up but meant I was short on time so did 18k instead and a 4 hour walk around the zoo with the family, as you do after a long run !!

    Run was ok, body was tired so kept it easy and never let it go faster than 5:30 per k. Last 2 k were tough but kept the pace and controlled. Tough week behind me and now we start a new week today.

    Long run will be in Wexford at the weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Mon 10/6
    6 x 800m with 2 min Rec

    Total Distance 8.83k

    Did this on the Trinity Grass track. Straight forward session but always tougher to do during lunchtime than the evening.
    Reps were 3:15, 3:16, 3:17, 3:18, 3:18, 3:18

    Easy day tomorrow

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Easy Run
    Distance: 09.38
    Time: 51:30
    Average Pace 5:29 per K

    Nice easy run. Good to get out around the canal at lunch time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Wednesday 12/6
    Easy Run
    Distance: 10.00k
    Time: 54:30
    Average Pace 5:27 per K
    Distance for the June 108km

    Pretty miserable out there for June. Did this around the local park.
    Club tempo tomorrow

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Thurs 13/6
    Club Tempo Session 20 mins out, 5 min rec, 20 mins back
    Distance 12.3k

    Did a 2.83k warm up, some drills and stretches and then the tempo.
    Some of the lads went off hard but I held back looking for 4.35 per k average.
    Splits were 4:28, 4:35, 4:32, 4:33, 4:35(.50 of a k), 5 min rec, 4:30, 4:29, 4:29, 4:30, 4:35(.50 of a k)
    Total distance for tempo was 9k.
    A good session, held it together, a bit faster than I wanted but enjoyed it.

    .50 of a km cool down

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Sat 15/6
    Long Run, Distance 17.42k Time 1:37:33
    Pace 5:36 per k

    Down in home in Wexford for this run, it didn't go well. Stomach didn't feel great and ended up walking the last hill home before running the last 2 k.

    The highlight was the match, made up for the run!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Mon 17/6
    5 x 1k with 2:30 rec
    Total distance 9.44k

    First session in my new Reebok Floatride Run Fast.
    Have to say they were great, nice cushion support in the heal of them but very light.

    Did this session in my local park. Did a 2.3k warm up and then straight in to the reps.
    Reps were 3:57, 3:57, 3:57, 3:56, 3:59, 3:56.

    3:59 rep was because two dogs cut right across me and had to slow down.

    1.29k cool down.

    Overall a good session

    Docklands 5k on Thursday, not near PB shape of 19:38, but if I go sub 21 i be happy.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,095 ✭✭✭ANXIOUS

    Very consistent splits well done, are you working to a plan for the HM or just a structure you're comfortable with?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Was very surprised how consistent they were.

    I am not working to a plan but have a structure that I feel will work for me.

    Some club sessions, some individual sessions etc, long tempos at hm pace.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Tues 18/6
    Recovery Run
    Distance 8.50, Time 47:23, Pace 5:37 per

    Nice lunch time recovery run, kept heart rate low. Lovely weather out there so enjoy it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,808 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Mon 17/6
    5 x 1k with 2:30 rec
    Total distance 9.44k

    First session in my new Reebok Floatride Run Fast.
    Have to say they were great, nice cushion support in the heal of them but very light.

    Did this session in my local park. Did a 2.3k warm up and then straight in to the reps.
    Reps were 3:57, 3:57, 3:57, 3:56, 3:59, 3:56.

    3:59 rep was because two dogs cut right across me and had to slow down.

    1.29k cool down.

    Overall a good session

    Docklands 5k on Thursday, not near PB shape of 19:38, but if I go sub 21 i be happy.

    I think those 1k splits would indicate going well under 21, probably sub 20 on a fast and flat course like that with lots of others to work off.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,095 ✭✭✭ANXIOUS

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I think those 1k splits would indicate going well under 21, probably sub 20 on a fast and flat course like that with lots of others to work off.

    I wouldn't necessarily agree, I'd be thinking more 345ish reps for sub 20. The rest period is 2 mins 30.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    ANXIOUS wrote: »
    I wouldn't necessarily agree, I'd be thinking more 345ish reps for sub 20. The rest period is 2 mins 30.

    Your running 3.45 reps in training you should be running sub 19 or your running your reps at the wrong pace.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,611 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Your running 3.45 reps in training you should be running sub 19 or your running your reps at the wrong pace.

    Have to agree - 2:30 is a short recovery for 1k so these are 'intervals' rather than 'reps' (to use the Jack Daniels distinction) - should be doing at around 5k pace.

    This could be at the heart of what you've already identified as a lack of endurance at MP. Many runners who struggle with marathon endurance are simply choosing inappropriate training paces (usually too fast rather than the other way around).

    You're aware of the issue on previous HM and M attempts - what do you hope to do differently this time in terms of training quality?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Have to agree - 2:30 is a short recovery for 1k so these are 'intervals' rather than 'reps' (to use the Jack Daniels distinction) - should be doing at around 5k pace.

    This could be at the heart of what you've already identified as a lack of endurance at MP. Many runners who struggle with marathon endurance are simply choosing inappropriate training paces (usually too fast rather than the other way around).

    You're aware of the issue on previous HM and M attempts - what do you hope to do differently this time in terms of training quality?

    Lots going on here.

    I will talk about the intervals first. I did find the pace comfortable but hard effort but was also doing this on my own, so no one for me to work off.

    For Docklands I think I will go at 4:10 pace, mainly because not race sharp so will play it as i go along.

    My plan for HM. My mistake with Charleville was not enough 21k runs and maybe running the tempos too hard and just went flat a 3/4 weeks out as my Kilcock 10 mile shows.

    For Bohermeen, the only thing I think i did wrong here was I kicked for home too early got isolated on the main road into a big head wind, missed sub 1:40 by 22 secs and no one to work with.

    Plan this time will be similar to Bohermeen, but the club will be doing alot more 1 mile intervals etc as marathon training will be happening in the club, so I will jump into these sessions and the long runs will be a bit longer and more race pace at the end.

    2016 and 2017 I had two strong years, 2018 and 2019 I haven't clicked, but I just need to relax and stop over thinking things.

    While a marathon sounds great and I really thought hard about Dublin, I don't believe my heart is in to give it a shot. To be honest I am thinking more about going after my 5k and 10k times after Charleville.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,611 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Yep, fair enough and good luck with it. Just trying to give some feedback and start some discussion It doesn’t sound to me like you’re overthinking it. But I also think a runner of your background and experience should not be overchallenged by 1:40, or even 1:35. I’d recommend taking a look at Matt Fitzgerald’s 80/20 book for some useful (and convincing) info on effort and pace.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Yep, fair enough and good luck with it. Just trying to give some feedback and start some discussion It doesn’t sound to me like you’re overthinking it. But I also think a runner of your background and experience should not be overchallenged by 1:40, or even 1:35. I’d recommend taking a look at Matt Fitzgerald’s 80/20 book for some useful (and convincing) info on effort and pace.

    Cheers. I read that book its very good. Programs are hard to follow I thought. Might fall back to Jack Daniels next year as not sure I be able to train with the club. Should probably use the JD for paces now even.

    One thing against me for the longer races is I am 6ft and 13 stone. I just need to get into good shape and once I crack 1:40 I will go for 1:35.

    Last week I bought "Run Faster from the 5k to Marathon: How be your own best coach by Matt Fitzgerald. Will read it on my hols.
    Will read the 80/20 one again also.

    Always happy to get feedback, a good way to improve.

    Let's see how I do tonight and then people can suggest paces for me etc? Tonight will be a marker where I am at.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,611 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Indeed. Good luck tonight!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Let's see how I do tonight and then people can suggest paces for me etc? Tonight will be a marker where I am at.

    If you’re looking to where you are currently, ditch the 4.10km target for later. Those 1km splits tell you that, go for it and ignore the watch.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Indeed. Good luck tonight!

    No pressure now :D

    Best of luck to yourself for tonight also

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭Fusitive

    Just throwing out my 2c on the lack of endurance and probably best to start off with the most simplistic things.

    You are running fairly low volume(~30mpw). This is probably self explanatory when it comes to lack of endurance

    Two intense runs a week all year round. I haven't seen much of your training beyond this log so this is an assumption based on what you said in posts on here and what I can remember from posts you have made on the main forum over the years. I bet my life savings that you have an up and down progression history even in short races. That you get into shape to run PB's or close to it and then fall off a lot again after for no reason? Workouts are for peaking, they get you to a high level of fitness but if you keep doing them beyond that peak, you start to lose fitness rapidly as your body starts to rebel against them.

    Your long run is ~37% of your weekly mileage(for someone training for a 5k, that is very high percentage of total mileage). I see you put a lot of emphasis on the long run as the ultimate endurance maker and breaker. This is purely my opinion so take it few, I think the long run is severely overrated. That's not to say I don't think it's important, I do think it is but that people may apply too much weight to how important it is. It needs to be in balance with your weekly mileage and that the focus should be more on a good even spread of aerobic running across the whole week. Look at the success Singer had in 2017 DCM and Wottle in 2018 in their logs when they decided to run a marathon on a whim without doing marathon long runs and just had a good spread of volume in training. That is what a good endurance base is(they probably would of run faster if they did do proper marathon training and long runs but not by as much as you would think, they would probably testify to that themselves). It shows just how important all 7 days of the week are to building good endurance and not just a weekend long run.

    On the subject of lost speed mentioned on the first page. I think it's a fairly common misconception that people get confused by a lack of speed and a lack of endurance(get them mixed up). You often hear people say they need more speedwork when they fall off the pace in the second half of a race but that is actually backwards. If you are falling off pace in the second half of a race or a workout, it means you have the speed but lack the endurance. I'll give you 2 examples from my past to better illustrate this:

    In 2015, I focused on the track for all of Spring(1500m and 3000m Steeplechase). Most of what I was doing was 200's, 400's and 800's at 3k or faster pace. Track season finished up and I had improved my speed massively but I couldn't get close to my PB's at 5k or above. I could go out at a pace much faster than PB pace and feel like I was jogging for a mile or two and all of a sudden, it would feel like an elephant stood on my shoulders in the blink of an eye. That's what a lack of endurance feels like.

    The other side of the coin. In 2017, I was building up for a marathon so a lot of the first 2 or 3 months was just very low intensity base training and one very short tempo run of 15-20min every week. When I raced in those first two months, I couldn't go out fast in races as my legs felt flat and horrible from mile 1 but I could hold that pace all day and never felt like an elephant was on my back. This is what a lack of speed feels like.

    3 months after the 2015 example, I ran the best XC season of my life because I built endurance on top of that track speed.

    3 months after the 2017 example, I ran HM and 5k PB's because coach added a bit more intensity on the solid base of endurance I had built from base training.

    Accurately identifying what you need and when you is a huge part of running well I think.

    When I see someone like you who is lacking endurance, I wouldn't personally think of sessions like 1 mile reps as the solution. Not that there is anything wrong with doing speed sessions, I just wouldn't look at them as endurance builders perse, they would be speed builders and you would be lacking endurance so it doesn't fit right imo to be doing a short interval session and long tempo/intervals every week. Maybe something you could consider would be an MP or slightly faster workout or a moderate 40-60 minute run(30-45sec per mile slower than MP every second week instead of a session and mix it up to give your endurance a boost.

    Just some ideas, make of them what you want, apologies for the thesis but I got carried away.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Fusitive wrote: »
    Just throwing out my 2c on the lack of endurance and probably best to start off with the most simplistic things.

    You are running fairly low volume(~30mpw). This is probably self explanatory when it comes to lack of endurance

    Two intense runs a week all year round. I haven't seen much of your training beyond this log so this is an assumption based on what you said in posts on here and what I can remember from posts you have made on the main forum over the years. I bet my life savings that you have an up and down progression history even in short races. That you get into shape to run PB's or close to it and then fall off a lot again after for no reason? Workouts are for peaking, they get you to a high level of fitness but if you keep doing them beyond that peak, you start to lose fitness rapidly as your body starts to rebel against them.

    Your long run is ~37% of your weekly mileage(for someone training for a 5k, that is very high percentage of total mileage). I see you put a lot of emphasis on the long run as the ultimate endurance maker and breaker. This is purely my opinion so take it few, I think the long run is severely overrated. That's not to say I don't think it's important, I do think it is but that people may apply too much weight to how important it is. It needs to be in balance with your weekly mileage and that the focus should be more on a good even spread of aerobic running across the whole week. Look at the success Singer had in 2017 DCM and Wottle in 2018 in their logs when they decided to run a marathon on a whim without doing marathon long runs and just had a good spread of volume in training. That is what a good endurance base is(they probably would of run faster if they did do proper marathon training and long runs but not by as much as you would think, they would probably testify to that themselves). It shows just how important all 7 days of the week are to building good endurance and not just a weekend long run.

    On the subject of lost speed mentioned on the first page. I think it's a fairly common misconception that people get confused by a lack of speed and a lack of endurance(get them mixed up). You often hear people say they need more speedwork when they fall off the pace in the second half of a race but that is actually backwards. If you are falling off pace in the second half of a race or a workout, it means you have the speed but lack the endurance. I'll give you 2 examples from my past to better illustrate this:

    In 2015, I focused on the track for all of Spring(1500m and 3000m Steeplechase). Most of what I was doing was 200's, 400's and 800's at 3k or faster pace. Track season finished up and I had improved my speed massively but I couldn't get close to my PB's at 5k or above. I could go out at a pace much faster than PB pace and feel like I was jogging for a mile or two and all of a sudden, it would feel like an elephant stood on my shoulders in the blink of an eye. That's what a lack of endurance feels like.

    The other side of the coin. In 2017, I was building up for a marathon so a lot of the first 2 or 3 months was just very low intensity base training and one very short tempo run of 15-20min every week. When I raced in those first two months, I couldn't go out fast in races as my legs felt flat and horrible from mile 1 but I could hold that pace all day and never felt like an elephant was on my back. This is what a lack of speed feels like.

    3 months after the 2015 example, I ran the best XC season of my life because I built endurance on top of that track speed.

    3 months after the 2017 example, I ran HM and 5k PB's because coach added a bit more intensity on the solid base of endurance I had built from base training.

    Accurately identifying what you need and when you is a huge part of running well I think.

    When I see someone like you who is lacking endurance, I wouldn't personally think of sessions like 1 mile reps as the solution. Not that there is anything wrong with doing speed sessions, I just wouldn't look at them as endurance builders perse, they would be speed builders and you would be lacking endurance so it doesn't fit right imo to be doing a short interval session and long tempo/intervals every week. Maybe something you could consider would be an MP or slightly faster workout or a moderate 40-60 minute run(30-45sec per mile slower than MP every second week instead of a session and mix it up to give your endurance a boost.

    Just some ideas, make of them what you want, apologies for the thesis but I got carried away.

    Alot of great stuff there and thank you.

    My average weekly total for the year is 60k, now i missed six weeks due to injury but when doing the half I would of hit 70k-80k. Right now I am just getting back.

    So my usual training schedule would be something like this, Mon (easy) Tues(Club), Wed(rec run) Thurs(tempo) Sat(long). I might run easy on Fridays depending on schedule.

    So your suggesting I drop the Tues Club session for a longer session on MP or 30-45 sec slower every second week?

    I was planning to change my Monday run to a 10 miler to give extra distance, but your suggestions makes sense.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Thurs 20/6
    Docklands 5k

    First proper 5k this year so was looking forward to it. Did a 2k warm up and some drills.
    Plan was to hit 4:10 per k. First k was 4:04 and it felt good but I wanted to pull it back. 4:08 for the 2nd k and felt good.
    4:08 for th 3rd k, so all was going well. The 4k started to feel tough and did that in 4:12. The 5th k is just wanted to get home, its a long run in, did that in 4:07 but then i suddenly realised I was roughly a 100m from the finished. Did the last section in 17 secs.

    Course did measure long but still came in with 20:59 and if i take into account the course was long but also watches are a bit off, I would maybe only take 9 secs off my time not the 17 secs the watch said.

    Overall a good run, felt good to be racing, club 5k next week and room for improvement also.

    This is a great race and very well organised. Big thank you to all for this race.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Sat 22/6
    Wicklow Trail Run 16.32k
    Time 1:37, Pace 5:57 per K

    Was down in Redcross with the family at the weekend. Met up with Working Class Heroes, who kindly brought me on a great trail run around the area. This was a great run, challenging in spots, but Barry was full of local knowledge and interesting stories. I would say this was my favourite run of the year. Hopefully will meet up for another run when back from holidays. Again thanks Barry.

    Went to Brittas bay in the afternoon, got to go here for a run also.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Mon 24/6
    Marathon pace run
    Distance 12k, Time: 61:07, Pace 5:05 per k

    The plan was to do 12k at marathon pace, but I actually don't know my marathon pace, so settled on somewhere between 5:00-5:10 per k.

    Did this run in the evening and wow and what an evening for it. Beautiful weather, makes these runs so enjoyable. Found the pace comfortable, really enjoyed the 12k. Felt strong throughout and held it back to ensure I didn't push too hard.

    Easy run today. Update, no shorts so can't run today!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Wed 26/6
    Easy Run to Work
    Distance 10k, Time 54:56 Pace 5:29

    Easy run from the in-laws to work. Usually the wind is behind me on the one, but today it was against me.
    Body didn't like the start of this run but after a k or so it was grand. Nothing major to report about the run.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Thurs 27/6
    Club 5k

    Tough 3 laps course in the park in very warm weather. This course is usually about 20-30 seconds slower than docklands course. Time splits aren't much use here as they are a bit all over the place when running through the trees.

    First lap took a while to get going, good solid second lap and on the last I was chasing people down. Finished strong and top was soaking after it. Time was 21:14, which I was happy given the course.

    Fri 28/6
    Easy Run
    Dist: 8.3 k 45:19 min, 5:29 per k

    Lovely lunch time run, plenty out running along the canal. Just an easy run, legs felt good after last night.

    Off on hols now for a few weeks, hope to get 3 runs a week, what quality really depends on the heat.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Holiday catch up

    South of France

    15.3k, Time 1:25:36, Pace 5:36 per k

    Trail run on the first day I arrived. It was early in the morning but very warm. Found it ok on the way out but the sun was very hot on the way back

    10k easy, Time 55:25, Pace 5:32
    Early morning run again on the trail. Nice run but very warm.

    10k easy, Time 54:26, Pace 5:26
    Early morning run again on the trail. Nice run but very warm but getting used to it

    10k easy, Time 55:48, Pace 5:35
    Early morning run again on the trail. Nice run, knee getting sore on the trail

    10k easy, Time 56:11, Pace 5:37
    Missed a few runs due to family time. We did two big trips also before this run, so legs were tired.
    Did this on the road that brought me down to the harbour.
    Heartrate was high on as I was tired, especially high compare to the others

    Back in Dublin
    10k easy, Time 54:35, Pace 5:27
    Did this run on Sunday morning after arriving home on sat evening. Decided to keep it short due to the travelling.
    Run felt good, heart rate was low and temp no issue :)

    Overall did an average amount of running while away but it was too hot for hard sessions. Missed a few runs but that's what holidays are about, diet wasn't too bad but did enjoy the break alot. Think I won the waterslides races against the kids :)

    So while all roads lead to Charleville half, in between I have a 10k race and 10 mile race as tune ups.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Tempo Run 7k, Pace 4:51

    This was always going to be a tough session, as first one back from hols. Wife is away so decision was to run from work up to Wakinstown roundabout @ tempo pace. Aim was for 4:44 per K, but the wind was constantly against me and up Crumlin is a tough route. Average 4:51 per k instead. last 2.5k I did at recovery pace up Greenhills road.

    Total k 9.5, time 48:25, Overall Pace 5:05

    Recovery Run, Time 46:53, Pace 5:38

    Body felt tired doing this, so kept it very slow

    Easy 12k run, Time 65:46, Pace 5:29

    Easy run in the local park in the rain. Felt controlled and kept heart rate low.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    5 x 1 mile @ 10k pace, 2 min rec
    Time 1:09, Distance 13k, Avg Pace 5:15

    I have a 10k coming up Tuesday week, so wanted to get a few quality sessions in for it to see where I am at and so I will have a plan when the 10k comes.

    So plan was to run 5 x 1 miles @10k pace. In March i ran Dunboyne 10k in a time of 44 flat, it was three weeks after Bohermeen half and I crossed the line pretty fresh just couldn't get the legs moving.
    So looking at my past 10ks, I figure 4:20 per K was my target pace.

    Did a 2k warm up and then started the session
    Mile 1 : 6:55 (4 :18 pace)
    Mile 2: 6:52 (4:16 pace)
    Mile 3: 7:01 (4:22 pace)
    Mile 4: 6:52 (4:16 pace)
    Mile 5: 6:55 (4:18 pace)

    My main issue I had in this session was keeping focus, mile 2 i was way ahead and pulled it back in the last bit, mile 3 i felt like i had a magnet pulling me back but recovered when i realised I was off the pace.

    2 k recovery home then.

    Overall it was a good session and the plan will be 4:20 pace for the 10k race.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Distance 16.35k, Time: 1:27:34, Pace 5:21

    Had planned to this run on sat. I set off early sat morning but after 2k, something wasn't right and I abandoned the run.

    So decided to run it on Sunday morning but we slept in and was too late to go when I woke up. A window opened up at 4pm Sunday afternoon and off I went a bit unsure how it would go.

    First 3k were grand and then it lashed rain for 13k. But funnily enough it was an enjoyable run. Only bad part was the weight of my gear when wet, but got out for a run, that's what matters.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    24/7, Distance 8.27k, Time 46:29, Pace 5:37

    Recovery run at lunch time. Lovely day for it and running along the canal was nice. Kept the heartrate low, avg 136 bpm.

    23/7, Distance 10k, Time 53, Pace 5:18

    Session was 5 x 1k @ 10k pace with 2 min rec in the local park.
    Plan 10k pace was 4:20 per k

    Decided not to look at the watch here but run it on feel.
    Splits were 4;12, 4:13, 4:16, 4:11, 4:12.
    Faster than expected but there was more in the tank to do more. Did find the heat tough though.

    22/7, Distance 16k, Time 1:28, Pace 5:30

    Ran home from work with backpack on my back. Eased into this run, ran along the liffey which was really nice. First half of the run is flat but the second is alot of hills to lucan so was a bit concerned about this, as struggle in the past. This time it was good, hills were grand and got home with plenty left in the tank

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    25/7 Distance 12.72k, Time 1:02:26, Pace 4:55 per k

    Plan 10k @ 4.44 per k (hm pace)

    2.72k warm up and some stretches and sprints with the club.

    Club were doing 20 mins out and back, while I wanted to do 10k, so went with the club for half of it.

    1k 4:33 : A bit fast but its normal when a group heads off together
    2k 4:44 : Up hill stretch control the pace well here
    3k 4:44 : Up hill stretch control the pace well here
    4k 4:41 : Small drag.
    5k 4:39 : Didn't notice the increase in speed here.
    6k 4:57 : U turn back but I swear there is a magnetic force on this section
    7k 4:42 : On the way home again but still pissed at the last k
    8k 4:38 : A few rolling hills here but pace feeling good
    9k 4:43 : Probably the fastest part of course.
    10k 4:38 : Last k, felt strong but wasn't pushing to reaching the finishing line

    Overall a good tempo, feel like I am stronger and not pushing as hard to reach the pace like I did last year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    27/7 Long Run Distance 19.5k, Pace 5:31 per k, time 1:47:12

    Did this on Sat morning but it didn't go to plan. Knew going out I wasn't in form for this. Got to 12k and had to stop for min and then continue on. Stopped at a garage later on for some liquids.
    So ran 19.5k and walked 1k. Not sure why i bonked, it wasn't the pace, just the legs were not in the mood for it. If i did it in the afternoon it be no bother!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    30/7 Park West 10k, Time 43:44 Avg Pace 4:22

    Where did all the good weather good. It lashed out of the heavens for this race. Aim was for around 43:20 ish. Ended up with 43:44 which beats Dunboyne by 15 secs. To be honest Dunboyne is a faster course. Park West while not hilly, had a lot of tight turns in it and in wet conditions you lose alot of time on these turns. Its a two lap course so about 8 tight turns in it. The canal was open to the conditions, going against the wind, especially on the second lap as no protection.

    Summary of the race
    Arrived wet and then realise i had no running socks :) Couldn't do a warm up as way too wet. 1k was in 4:15, straight forward k. 2k(4:24) had a few sharp turns and slight climb. 3k(4:24) on the canal and into a head but some protection as there was a group there but I was moving through the group. 4k(4:19) had a sharp u-turn on the canal and then another sharp turn off the canal. 5k(4:20) had two runners in front of me, over took one on the footpath but the girl kept battling with me. I had a feeling she was doing the 5k as she kept trying to kick. Was on target at 5k. 6k(4:18) the road was pretty empty, saw 4-6 runners ahead of me so my aim was to close the gap, over took a few here. 7k(4:27) onto the canal with a group of two other runners. The weather was brutal and wind was very noticeable as so open now. 8k(4:33) just bad weather and windy and shapr u-turn, still a group of 3. 9k(4:25) one of the lads fell off the pace so down to two of us. 10k(4:15) I pulled away from the last guy and started to chase a guy further up but ran out of road.

    This wasn't my 'A' race, just a prep for the half further down.

    I wouldn't recommend this race as an 'A' race, but its a good race to get a run out and use it to your advantage.

    29/7 Distance 8.5k, Time 46:17 Avg Pace 5:27

    Easy lunchtime run up around the canal. Lovely day for a run.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    1/8, Distance 16k, Time 1:28:18 Avg Pace 5:31

    Run home from work. Aim of this run is to improve my aerobic fitness. Its a good run as a few good hills in the second half. Found the going ok but can still feel the race from Tuesday night. Right knee a bit sore after it, did some foam rolling.

    31/7, Distance 8.5k, time 47:44, Avg Pace 5:37

    Plan for the rest of week was some easy running.
    This was a nice recovery run at lunchtime.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Date 5/08, Distance 16k, Time 1:26:20, Pace 5:24

    16k run in the evening. A nice run locally. Felt strong throughout. Thought about pushing it out to 21k, but then just stopped that thought and kept sensible. Club session tonight but will miss tomorrows run.

    Back down in the IFSC now, so can go run on my old routes again.

    Date 3/08, Distance 21k, Time 1:57:08, Pace 5:35

    Was down in Redcross so parked the car at Jack Whites and ran on the old N11. A boring enough run as a straight road but got the job done.
    Last 4k was tough, struggle a bit on it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    8/8 Tempo, Distance 10k Pace 4:42

    Did a 2k a warm up before I started.

    Planned HM pace was 4:44 but managed 4:42. The route was open to the elements which has its advantage and disadvantages. I tried to only look at the lap time when the reminder went off so i could run on feel due to the conditions. Finished the run strongly with more to give. Thought my average pace would of been faster as felt great during the run.

    6/8 Club Session, Distance 9.5k Pace 5:49

    The club session was 6 x 1k with 2 min rec. It was more of an endurance session so we didn't go all out
    The odd number k's are a bit easier as not open to the elements as much, even numbers hits the elements of wind and rain for last .5k.

    Got isolated on the first rep so was running on my own. Didn't go with second group as wanted the full 2 min rec, so ended up doing all the reps on my own as group behind was slower from here in.

    1st k 4:09
    2nd k 4:13
    3rd k 4:07
    4th k 4:13
    5th k 4:07
    6th k 4:14

    A good session and felt I could go again if needs be. No run on Wednesday as work and other stuff got in the way.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,868 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    11/8 Distance 21k, Time 1:56:35, Pace 5:33

    Wanted to keep each km between 5:30 and 5:35. Felt relaxed throughout the run. Heart Rate was 142 for this run.

    10/08 Recovery Run 8k, Time 45:17, Pace 5:40

    Recovery run while down home. Nice hilly run, kept it slow.

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