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Lidl Temperature Station From A year or Two Ago

  • 21-12-2018 10:35pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,079 ✭✭✭✭

    A while back Lidl sold this temperature station:


    The temperature sensor works fine, so does everything else, the problem is its radio controlled from I assume Germany and this makes it run an hour fast, you can set the time manually but this only holds for a few hours before it updates over radio and resets itself back to an hour fast again.

    Theres a timezone option in the settings, you can set it in a -/+ 12 range, Ive tried setting it to -1, Ive tried setting it to +1, Ive tried setting it then setting the clock manually, Ive tried setting it and leaving it on auto time overnight, nothing works.

    I know I had this working before, it worked perfect for a year but then I changed the batteries and its back to this, can anyone remember what you do? Ive tracked down the manual but its no help...

