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D&D Beginners Game: Act 1, Scene 1: The Hero Experience



  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Guffy wrote: »
    "I just wish i had time for one more bowl of stew", quipped Echtrae.

    'Oh there's stew where you're going, magick man... take care you don't end up as part of it!'

    Echtrae is next to be roughly tossed through the portal.

    Leaving 9Lives.

    'And you, little thief? Any words of wisdom for our audience before you inevitably meet a horrifying death below?'

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Mike turns from the portal, smiling briefly... but suddenly turning very serious.

    'And now, our final two contestants. The most disgusting, most horrific and vile of them all.

    An elf, and a halfling.

    BOTH were present in the castle on the night of our King's untimely murder.

    BOTH have a history in subterfuge, betrayal and deceit. One of these bastards poisoned our King, the other aided and abetted.

    BOTH are the most deserving of your hatred, of all the lying, filthy scumbags we've sent to their deaths today.'

    The crowd is feverish with hatred now. They are out of their chairs, all chanting


    Stufur and Webby are hauled in front of the baying mob and their pure hatred emanantes from the walls, the roof, the ground of the arena.

    They are dragged in front of Mike as he leers down at the little people, revelling in his height advantage.

    'And, for the final time tonight - We ask you two murderous bastards -

    The crowd scream it in unison:

    "What are your names?

    What are your crimes?

    Do you repent your crimes?

    I say, do you repent?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    Know this, I am innocent and once i complete this trial I WILL be coming for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    'My name is of no concern to you, I am a free man and I will repent NOTHING!'

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    conor222 wrote: »
    Know this, I am innocent and once i complete this trial I WILL be coming for you

    'Yeah, yeah - gotcha kid. That's what they all say... and they never return.

    Feel free to look me up, you let the scum into King Castiel's dwellings, so you should know it..

    Mike Rochurst, care of Castle Prime, King's Viziers quarters.

    Now, get this scum outta my sight.

    9Lives is forcibly kicked into the portal by one of the guards.
    'My name is of no concern to you, I am a free man and I will repent NOTHING!'

    'There you have it folks - he ADMITS it! Murderer!

    The dungeon is too good for your ilk, half-breed scum!'

    Mike pauses.

    'But... the sentence has been passed. The dungeon is where you shall go, to die - by your own means, if you have any sense... otherwise... by - the -...'

    He gestures to the baying crowd.


    Mike silences the crowd, and slams a backpack into the arms of Webby.

    OOC: Speed potion, gives you two attacks per round for a set amount of turns

    'As with the others, 3 items, half-breed. Then down the...'


    He gestures to the equipment pile.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,633 ✭✭✭✭OldGoat

    I'm older than Minecraft goats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Stufur looks around at the crowd, seeing no way out and that his sentence is fixed, he decides he may as well rile the humans for their entertainment.

    "Yeah I helped kill your king and why not? You humans live such short lives, what's the odd decade or two off the top?!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Fourier wrote: »
    Stufur looks around at the crowd, seeing no way out and that his sentence is fixed, he decides he may as well rile the humans for their entertainment.

    "Yeah I helped kill your king and why not? You humans live such short lives, what's the odd decade or two off the top?!"

    The crowd explode in rage and attempt to rush the stage. It takes a concerted effort from the guards to hold them all back. One barrel of a man breaks through, charging at Stufur with a leg of a chair he ripped off.

    He gets to within two feet - Stufur can smell the foul man's breath, the odour of the poor of this city, the unwashed.

    As the man starts to swing his weapon at Stufur, a crossbow bolt flies through his head and he collapses, dead.

    This incenses the crowd even further and now they begin to attack the guards.

    Mike looks nervously around him.

    'Um... uh... take your items and get outta here!'

    He slams a backpack into Stufur's chest - and is escorted off the stage by only two guards, the other have begun to try to keep order and have drawn their swords.

    The equipment pile lies to the left, the portal to the north of Webby and Stufur.

    The rioters will overwhelm the guards in less than 3 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    I straighten the rags i am wearing while trying to maintain composure.

    'Thank you for that... Mike... I think I will in fact try my luck elsewhere... I will take the spyglass, slingshot and grappling hook, if you dont mind. thank you very much'...

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    I straighten the rags i am wearing while trying to maintain composure.

    'Thank you for that... Mike... I think I will in fact try my luck elsewhere... I will take the spyglass, slingshot and grappling hook, if you dont mind. thank you very much'...

    Mike has left the stage in a hurry following the scenes taking place in the crowd.

    The items are in the pile, Webby can grab them if he wishes.

    3 guards now lie dead along with countless members of the audience.

    2 minutes and 30 seconds remain before they will break through to Webby and Stufur.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Stufur rummages through the pile as fast as he can.

    "Let's see, let's see......" he looks behind at the crowd " the stars gotta be fast, right Long Sword, Studded Leather Armour and.....hemp rope."

    He glances in the backpack quickly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Fourier wrote: »

    He glances in the backpack quickly.

    A spellbook, quill and waterskin lie within.

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    I roll my eyes at the display.

    I grab the spyglass, sling and grappling hook and put them into my bag. I tighten my grip around the bag and start scuttling towards the portal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    A spellbook, quill and waterskin lie within.
    He turns to the human crowd.

    "Well see ya, I'm off to freedom!"

    Internally though he has strong doubts he'll survive. He takes a necklace from beneath his tunic and kisses the main gem.

    "Wish me luck Uncle Saeros, I'll try to live"

    He jumps through the portal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Fourier wrote: »

    He jumps through the portal.

    Just as Stufur starts his leap, he spies a child to the left of the portal being beaten senseless by... Clayton.

    He can sense he will not have time to save the child and make it through the portal before a number of the rioters break through.

    Or he can jump through the portal to safety immediately....

    OOC: What does Stufur do? :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    The people have standards.

    "I might break that promise Uncle Saeros."

    He rushes at Clayton, long sword swinging.

    "You swine, remove yourself from that innocent!!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    I grab any small rocks as I approach the portal and shove them into my pockets. I jump through the portal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Fourier wrote: »
    The people have standards.

    "I might break that promise Uncle Saeros."

    He rushes at Clayton, long sword swinging.

    "You swine, remove yourself from that innocent!!"

    OOC: Init ;)

    Webby sees the kerfuffle, he can jump through the portal or help Stufur.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Clayton and Stufur exchange swipes of their swords, Clayton far to slow to catch Stufur off guard however.

    Stufur lands two blows, the second of which pierces Clayton's heart.

    He falls to the ground, his lifeblood rushing out of him

    'You... fuker... I hope the Hunters GUT you.'

    He collapses and dies.

    Stufur turns around as five villagers have broken through and are advancing on him.

    The child cowers in a foetal ball on the floor as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    I turn around one last time, spot Stufur and realise I have no way helping him out in his kerfuffle.

    Hastily I look among the rioting crowd and spot where they are most likely to breach through quickest.

    I grab the sling from the bag, throw the bag over my shoulder onto my back, dig through my pockets and start pelting stones at the crowd in an effort to draw their attention.

    'You filthy pigs, YOU are beneath ME and I am not even half your height!!!

    I start maniacally laughing, with purpose but also because I am trembling with fear.

    MWaha.... HAAA HAAAA!!!!! haaa..... PIGS!!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    Stufur pauses for a moment.

    "People look to the child at your feet, he has been assaulted."

    He runs to the portal, but does not jump through. He looks to see the child is safe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    Fourier wrote: »
    Stufur pauses for a moment.

    "People look to the child at your feet, he has been assaulted."

    He runs to the portal, but does not jump through. He looks to see the child is safe.

    Two women are amongst the five, they rush over to the child.

    'Goodie, Goodie - are you ok? Don't run off like that again!'

    They turn to Stufur.

    'Get out of here, king killer! Haven't you caused enough damage!'

    The other three men are rushing towards Webby, who is pelting them with stones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,558 ✭✭✭✭Fourier

    "Halfling! Let's get out of here!!"

    He leaps through the portal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 468 ✭✭Nebelwerfer

    I stop pelting and call Stufur over...

    'Come on you stupid elf, its time!!'

    I check my bag to make sure I have everything still on me, turn to the portal and jump in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    As Stufur and Webby leap through the portal, it slams shut behind them. Where they went... no one wants to find out.

    The child looks up from the floor where one of the women is cradling him.

    'Mama? That man throwing rocks was small like me, I just wanted to see him a bit closer.'

    The woman slaps him across the face.

    'No, Goodie. He was a half-breed. You are my pure blood son, just a little... shorter than most. Don't worry about those horrible people anymore.'

    The womans hugs Goodie and weeps.

    Goodie looks around though... he feels as if the halfling was kindred spirits with him. A strange feeling of anger comes over him as his mother speaks the words 'half-breed.' Someday, when he would be big and strong, he plans to visit the halflings, leave this village and never return.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,946 ✭✭✭duffman13

    Fector Hammerchop selects a war hammer, a short sword and a crowbar, placing them in his backpack

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,361 ✭✭✭✭Kolido

    Stu grabs the pen, dagger, and wineskin before diving head first into the portal.

    Ooc these items valid?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,340 ✭✭✭conor222

    OOC: Which one of the next threads has 9lives landed in?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,315 ✭✭✭jasonb

    OOC: They’re not all up yet, don’t think 9lives has one yet...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭The Dungeon Master

    OOC: Thread coming shortly for the rest, apologies for not getting to it last night
