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Coming back from illness

  • 29-06-2017 5:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 984 ✭✭✭

    Hi all,

    I am just looking for advice and if anyone has had similar experiences. I was diagnosed with pneumonia last week & spent a couple of days in hospital; I am now home, taking it easy and taking antibiotics etc. I currently don't feel at all like exercising but I was wondering how people who may have had something similar in the past eased themselves back into it? Before I got ill I was swimming regularly (three to four times a week, 3-4km per session) and doing some running, the odd HIIT session with light weights, etc. I think I was in pretty good shape and I'm hoping that will stand to me in my recovery - certainly the doc thought being a fit & healthy young person will mean I bounce back quickly.

    Did people start taking walks or similar? I think it does help as I can feel my lungs expanding properly, even if it often prompts a cough, but I am aware of overdoing it.

    Thanks all!


  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭LincolnHawk

    Take 4 weeks off. Just walk.

    I had walking pneumonia. I kept playing football through it and went to the gym also. It was dumb and really just prolonged my recovery and I felt like crap for ages. If it happened again it take it handy for a month.
    Took about 12 weeks for my chest to fully clear
