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Another Gilmore's Groin

  • 26-05-2017 12:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 981 ✭✭✭

    7 months on from my first surgery for Gilmore's Groin (Dr. Marsh, Gilmore Clinic, Harley St, London), I've developed similar symptoms on the other groin. Seems to be even worse this time and at the moment I cannot run without pain.

    First felt like an adductor longus strain/spasm but now all pain seems to be above waist level near conjoint tendon/inguinal canal.

    Physio reckons 2-3 weeks no running with core/groin rehab may help and that I tested well but my gut feeling is that this won't improve (like last time) and i'll need to go under the knife again.

    Just wondering has anyone been able to get through this injury without going under the knife?

    I believe Gerry McEntee is the main surgeon in Ireland for this operation but sadly isn't covered in my private health insurance. Marsh in london is covered but i'd still be out close to £400 with flights and hotels.
