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Anyone else's fb feed gone dodgy?

  • 17-05-2017 8:50pm
    Registered Users Posts: 29,055 ✭✭✭✭

    Has anyone else's FB feed gone a bit doolally?

    It won't stay on "most recent", and when i select "most recent" the most recent post shown is 8 hours old.

    I know well there's been stuff posted since then!

    And related to it not staying on "most recent" - when it goes to "top stories" it shows completely different posts, including ones that i would expect to see in my normal feed. (People i would interact regularly with, so I'd expect it to pick up on that and show all their posts)

    I'd dearly love to know who sets up the algorithms that control this, and have they been off on extended leave lately, or taken to the drink, or what????


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,673 ✭✭✭mahamageehad

    Hmm, well Facebook has been steadily trying to phase out "Newest first" for a while I'm afraid. First the removed it as default, then they hid the option a little. It's more beneficial for them to show you what they think you want to see, that's why they've also moved that way with Instagram unfortunately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,673 ✭✭✭mahamageehad

    I would suggest putting anyone that you really want to keep up with on See First, and unfollowing any people or pages that you don't want to see much of. It's not as severe as unliking or unfriending, it just means updates won't appear in your feed and you'll have to visit their page.
