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Even more adverts you despise

  • 13-04-2003 10:03pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,004 ✭✭✭The Gopher

    Must be at least a week since we last discussed them.I have spare time on my hands so I will kick off......
    I am partly influenced to rant by the new godawful food hygiene ads.People with their faces blurred talk about how they got food poisoning.Is food poisoning something you ought to be ashamed of?I got gandhis revenge for a few days once from a bad burger bun at a local sham- hang- out -cum -takeaway(that I still go to,more fool me:D ).But I am not ashamed of it-much like waiting in hospitals for hours,it annoys you but at least it gives you something to rant about.Whats with the blurred faces?These people go on tv blurred and you think Poor guys,probably on some ad about sex abuse,being victims of crime or something similiar.But no,they are talking about food poisoning:confused:
    The Nike stickman ads are beginning to really bore me.Maybe its just that I never liked Nike ads much anyway because of their whole Man U arse kissing thing.
    The Halifax one where the cartoon guy sings Who Gives You Extra.
    The shampoo or bubblebath ad which ends with the fat woman in the bath singing badly.
    The Irish ad with the angry looking old lawyer with the moustache trying to entice shams to lodge nuisance claims on a no win no fee basis.
    Tampon ads.Nuff said.
    The ad for carloans(or is it insurance)where the people ask a question and a girl in a mechanic suit keeps anwsering"Yes,you could!".Happens about 5 fcuking times at least!
    The one for those roll up Mexican bread thingys(I think it is El Paso tacos or something)where the guy is making them and thewoman is on the phone to her friend complaining that he will make a crap job of it.Id ****in piss in the food to really give her cause to complain.
    Im not sure if they still show it but Sky News used to have this ad for an irish sex chat service with possibly the most boring voice heaard on tv since that priest with Father Ted who also managed to get lost in Irelands largest lingerie department.A girl,making about as much effort as a councilman,would say"Sexchat,Irelands newest and most exciting adult chat service.Chat,date and text.....".It sounded like it was being said by a nun who had a gun out to her head in order to make her read the script.
    And has anybody seen the Pele viagra ads recently?:D You will never see them anywhere except on low on funds satellite channels in the wee hours,but it is the stuff of Tarrant on TV.Pele talks as if he is struggling to read an autocue about how he and the guys never discussed impotence after a game.Which is funny,as when I played after a match the first thing we would talk about was whether we had any impotence concerns.We talked about it for about 5 minutes before we would even comment on the gameplay and how we had played.
    OK,unless the sarcasm detectors are broken you can see this is bollix,but WTF is he talking about??!!?
    "Get advice,I would"
    Hmmm,I advise you to get a new agent who might get you a football punditry job rather than making yourself look like a tool(pardon the pun) by selling sex drugs on late night telly.Next we will have Saddam trying to make a George Foreman style comeback with his own exclusive line
    "In 1988 I killed 5000 Kurds with it.And at last in 2003,you can kill up to 5000 woodworm/termites/fleas/whatever with Saddam Husseins patented gas in a can!"
    Im sure the execs are trying harder than the CIA to find him first.

    Edit-99% of sponsorship ads annoy the head off me.They are ALL crap!The guy putting on the rehab voice in the smarties simpsons sponsorship ads really pisses me off.And the Coronation Street Cadburys one where the guy uses a pile of French in order to make his egg and chips sound more upmarket.The only funny sponsorship ad I can recall is the Sopranos Miller ads
    "Do I wanna notha Milla?Course I wanna notha Milla ya fukin gamoosh!"



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 55,590 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    par·a·graph n.

    1. A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.

    tr.v. par·a·graphed, par·a·graph·ing, par·a·graphs
    To divide or arrange into paragraphs.
    OK... lets see... I disagree with you about the Nike ads - they're pretty cool. Nike have always come up pretty cool ideas for ads, and the stick man is no exception.

    I pretty much agree with all the others, though (apart from the tampon ad with the really cute girl decorating her flat....) :)

    - Dave.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo


    Need I say more.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    Tampon ads.Nuff said.

    I don't have a problem with tampon Ads, however most are s h i t.
    Also shaving cream for women are s h i t ads.
    But then could you come up for a good way to advertise tampons or shaving cream for women. Actually most adds aimed at women are crap.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 3,935 Mod ✭✭✭✭Turner

    The add where the young fella lets his robot toy fall off the table and then starts crying so his mother will give him some ice cream. Really gets on my nerves.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 204 ✭✭artvandelay

    That cancer ad "Wrap up warm dear". Something disturbing about that ad. We all know how bad cancer is so do we have to reminded?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    That specific tampon ad in which the girl says to a girl "Sugar, Aren't you meant to be on a diet?" really pisses me off and i wish some how he would just open the pack and embarass here for emptying her stupid tampon filled bag out onto the table in the first place. that and the bloody voiceover.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 176 ✭✭MAC_E

    The new ad for the food safety board where they have this lady at a sink talking about killing her young rory or something by not cleaning her work surfaces of germs.

    Its a bit strange and not very good, to make it worse they have her face distorted to hide her identity, but its obviously an actor... so whats the point for it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,286 ✭✭✭SprostonGreen

    Dairylea lunchables - annoying.

    That said I find Radio ads make me want to go on shooting spree.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 267 ✭✭Tom

    Any ad that tries to get people already heavily in debt to take out more loans over a longer period of time and end up spending twice as much.

    These really get on my nerves especially the satisfied customers who could not get money elsewhere, even from the local loanshark who charges 90% interest and believes in kneecapping instead of debt collection agencies.

    Debt to pay off debt, what a great idea......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,500 ✭✭✭Mercury_Tilt

    This post has been deleted.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    that totally $hite Denon ad with the 2 irish girls:

    eejit#1: rough day

    eejit#2: shattered

    the acting is so bollix that it makes me want to vomit every time.

    infact all Denon ads are criminal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,093 ✭✭✭woosaysdan

    dat ad bout drinking too much! what a waste of beer or the ad that are dubbed badly!!! they really annoy me

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭Spunog UIE

    the brennans bread ad with the blind one asking is it fresh. just didn't like it. JUST CHECKING grrr

    i see they've cut out that bit where she grabs his ass so its even worse, makes no sense at all.

    just get a new ad why do ya's keep showing it, you fools.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    that totally $hite Denon ad with the 2 irish girls:

    "Come on we're going to late." That final sentence keeps going round and round in my head, Its the way she says it, annoying as hell.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,598 ✭✭✭ferdi

    Originally posted by Elmo
    "Come on we're going to late."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,107 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Originally posted by Gideon
    the brennans bread ad with the blind one asking is it fresh. just didn't like it. JUST CHECKING grrr

    i see they've cut out that bit where she grabs his ass so its even worse, makes no sense at all.

    just get a new ad why do ya's keep showing it, you fools.

    Yeah when I saw the worst ad title on the thread, that's the one that came to mind straight away for me. Her eye freaks me out.
    There's also that milk ad with her straight eyed/black haired clone - the one where she says "watch me make this milk disappear - it's magic". Got I hate it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,107 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Originally posted by Chief---
    The ad where the young fella lets his robot toy fall off the table and then starts crying so his mother will give him some ice cream. Really gets on my nerves.

    Yeah, god I want to smack that kid. Reminds me so much of my brother.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,107 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    The cheesestrings ad where the kid with the black circles round his eyes starts complaing of a calcium deficiency to his retard mother.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 565 ✭✭✭commuterised

    Originally posted by Elmo

    Need I say more.

    ditto and they're on the bleedin radio too

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,946 ✭✭✭D-Generate

    Its Got to be F.R.D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭Puck

    Has to be the ads for real butter.

    "'How do you like your eggs?' Well I thought it was a cute way to propose."


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 216 ✭✭Belle Ende

    Most Irish-made TV advertisments are rubbish. The ads for 'Irish Examiner' newspaper from last year stick in my mind for some reason.

    And crap 'local' ads on UTV. "It's a big, big shoppin' centre in Ballamena!"

    Most adverts for cars are great, though. Other products should try and learn a thing or two from 'em.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    Centra - for the way we live today

    On UTV the singer puts on a nothern accent, why?
    Most Irish-made TV advertisments are rubbish.

    Most adds are rubbish not just Irish ones in particular, don't do the "oh most Irish made things are s h i t", just because I'm Irish doesn't mean I am useless.
    (Sorry for getting of the topic but that really annoys me.)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,164 ✭✭✭Space Coyote

    :p LOL Belle End, I cant feckin stand those Nothern Ireland ads for shoppin centres and furniture and ... argh! They do my bleedin head in.
    Also that Irish ad with the blind one with the bread pi$$e$ me off too. Anything with kids in it I hate. The Cheese-Strings, Dairylee Lunchables, that crying git with the robot ... I hope his brother kicked the s h i t e out of him when his ma fecked off. :D

    Have to say its mostly Irish tv ads that I hate, they're just so unimaginative, boring or else they've got nothing whatsoever to do with the product thats being advertised. You'd think I'd have something to back up my point :rolleyes:

    (I miss Carrott's Commercial Breakdown)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 23,641 ✭✭✭✭Elmo

    Good Irish Adds

    O2 underwater adds
    Eircell adds ages ago good made dublin look really cool
    Carlsberg Nightclub
    TG4 because we're different
    Lifestyle sports adds
    Guinness Adds

    There are pleaty of good adds and lots more bad ones in general

    Dunnes Stores (Voice over in Northern Accent on UTV why? same person reads the bloody add)
    Tesco with the two for one talk baskets and cork screws ahhhh
    Meteor Adds (Music so annoying)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,103 ✭✭✭Neil_Sedaka

    The Galtee ad.


    Jesus I tell ya, if he stole my bleedin' rasher.........

    And that "Quality at the right price, cackle cackle"
    I could drown that woman and eat her spleen.:mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,188 ✭✭✭oneweb

    Originally posted by Gideon
    the brennans bread ad with the blind one asking is it fresh. just didn't like it. JUST CHECKING grrr

    i see they've cut out that bit where she grabs his ass so its even worse, makes no sense at all.

    just get a new ad why do ya's keep showing it, you fools.

    Apparently they had to cut that bit 'cos someone found it offensive/sexist. FFS, what the hell is going on in this fcuked up uberly politically correct world? woman pinches blokes arse. so what? Whoever lodged the complaint should be checked in the head. There was no point in showing an edited version as the whole ad hinged on the girl's circumstances and her sense of humour regarding same.

    Same with the Baileys ad. Group drinking, lights go out, bloke gets a Baileys flavoured snog, lights return, snogee looks around to see whodunnit, some girls smile, and a bloke lifts his glass and casts a cheeky grin. They cut that bit 'cos it too was seen as offensive. Sheesh!

    Anyway, back on topic, it's gotta be FRD AAAAAAAAAGGHHHH. Cheeses, if I ever saw that one I'd fupping grab her by the hair and scream unscreamables at her!

    Johnston Mooney & O'Brien. OMG, why do they go on for soo fcuking long?

    Yes, concerned mother, your child looks badly beaten. Cheesestrings are the mix of cheese and added chemicals that will solve his problems. No need to ask questions.

    In general the dubbing of ads (especially Irish dubs of English ads) is really annoying, especially when there's been no effort whatsoever put into lipsynching. Like that ad for hearing-aids. Bloke goes on and on about fine detail blah blah audio clarity blah. Then they bloody dub a different phone number onto what he's mouthing.

    There's a few more...

    ...but I'll hold back! For now...

    It is what it's.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,164 ✭✭✭Space Coyote

    I have to say that badly dubbed ads are by far the most irritating. One doin the rounds at the moment is that MacD*****s one when the kids dirty all the plates, get the dog to lick all the cr@p, the oul lad opens the cupboard and then decides f**k this kids, lets go to said eating establishment. The kids poxin voices are so god-awefully dubbed with no lip-synch. Just like all those Kinder feckin Beuno ads back in the day. Man I'm hungry...;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,286 ✭✭✭SprostonGreen

    OMG, badly dubbed ads

    "happy birthday pop" for McScums

    or the Thai Bites ad, it does not quite work out in Dub accents like it does in Cockney.

    Gilian Quinn surf ad, is annoying.

    but the two bints on that yogurt ad, as mention is annoying.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,240 ✭✭✭hussey

    The ad on the radio for the evening herald about house .. she describes everykind of house .. stupid

    the 'Washing machines Live longer than Calgon' You buy a new washin machine for the cost of them over 3 years!!

    the Gillen Quinn ad .. where does she think she is the 80's?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    The T.K Maxx ad on the tele pisses me off (but can't say its entirely unbiased as i work part time for them)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,164 ✭✭✭Space Coyote

    Ads for loans, mortgages, insurance etc really get on my face. The worst is the one where its like a quiz show, I just want to kill everyone in it. And "Direct Line, how can I help?" JUST FOOK OFF YE ANNOYING TWAT ! Right, I'm going outside now to burn some cats...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,107 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Originally posted by D-Generate
    Its Got to be F.R.D

    Which one is that?
    Has to be the ads for real butter.

    Oh god yes. And the "virtual reality games" bit. Wtf? Not even a geek would go that low.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,946 ✭✭✭D-Generate

    The F.R.D one is where there is this man and his wife repeats after everything "Its got to be F.R.D"

    Small Transcript time, as they leave the car and walk through the house door
    Man: For motor insurance
    Woman: Its got to be F.R.D
    Man: For home insurance
    Woman: It's got to be F.R.D
    Man: For health insurance
    Woman: It's got to be F.R.D

    Frikkin hell, i knew it was fuckin F.R.D for insurance the first time you said it. That ad is not persuasive it is just god damn irritateing, to the point that even thinking about it pisses me off.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,265 ✭✭✭aidan_dunne

    Originally posted by oneweb
    Johnston Mooney & O'Brien. OMG, why do they go on for soo fcuking long?

    Yeah, those ads are annoying alright. But what about the Brennan's Bread ads? Okay, I know it seems that they've been going since radio was first invented and that, in some circles, they're seen almost as a national institution, but I can't feckin' stand them. I just wish that Mr. Brennan and his smart-arsed gob$hite of a friend who does the voiceover would just drop dead at this stage. I mean, come on, the two boys must be about 200 years old at this stage. Just go and f**king choke on a slice of your wonderful "Today's Bread, Today", will ya, ya couple of old bollockses! :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,472 ✭✭✭AdMMM

    Probably any of the powerade ad's or any ad's for paracetamol!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,315 ✭✭✭ballooba

    Originally posted by Gideon
    the brennans bread ad with the blind one asking is it fresh. just didn't like it. JUST CHECKING grrr

    i see they've cut out that bit where she grabs his ass so its even worse, makes no sense at all.

    just get a new ad why do ya's keep showing it, you fools.

    She can have her stale bread and eat it when i break her fúcking fingers!!!

    [edited for grammar]

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 958 ✭✭✭Mark

    That ad on teh radio for some car or another, has a kid at the end whispering "..zoom zoom...". If ever there was a more genocide-inducing, rage provoking soundbite....GNRR...


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,660 ✭✭✭Blitzkrieger

    Originally posted by The Gopher

    I am partly influenced to rant by the new godawful food hygiene ads.People with their faces blurred talk about how they got food poisoning.Is food poisoning something you ought to be ashamed of?I got gandhis revenge for a few days once from a bad burger bun at a local sham- hang- out -cum -takeaway(that I still go to,more fool me:D )

    The radio ones are even worse. I swear they let the HSB write them themselves.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,188 ✭✭✭oneweb


    Dunno which are worse: those ads that were so abstract you'd be left thinking 'huh?', or the newer ones that just scream TAMPONS TAMPONS TAMPONS BIG ones, small ones, candy flavour ones.

    Same thing with Tampax - winged, flat, curved, scented, dry, superdry, supersuperdry.

    For f.u.c.k sake, how far in-your-face do advertisers think these ads need to be?

    As annoying as it must be for blokes, what do the gals think?

    It is what it's.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 216 ✭✭Belle Ende

    Originally posted by oneweb
    Same thing with Tampax - winged, flat, curved, scented, dry, superdry, supersuperdry.

    For f.u.c.k sake, how far in-your-face do advertisers think these ads need to be?

    As annoying as it must be for blokes, what do the gals think?

    Hmmm. This has sparked my mind - has anyone here heard of TiVO? Apparently this VCR-like device makes it easy for you to skip over ad-breaks while watching TV.

    Does anyone have a TiVO?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭herbie747

    Here are a few of the most annoying ads on at the moment:

    Dolmio Microwavable Pasta

    Hey Debbie, we go boogie, boogie?

    F*ck off, assh*le.

    "It's hard to believe that over 400 years ago when Tayto first came to Ireland......
    So just remember that, next time you get caught eating a pack of Tayto down the back of history class"

    I'd love to smash that little fagg*ts face in.

    Punto Ad
    "Don't, don't you want me baby? Don't you want me, woah, woah, wo-woah"

    Another annoying pr*ck

    Halifax Ads

    "Who gives you extra? who? hu, hu? (sung like "Who let the dogs out?")

    With the man dressed in drag like Freddie Mercury. Why are they promoting drag queens? I'm not homophobic, but who is their target audience? It certainly wouldn't encourage ME to go out and buy a cordless eircom phone.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,315 ✭✭✭ballooba

    Originally posted by herbie747

    With the man dressed in drag like Freddie Mercury. Why are they promoting drag queens? I'm not homophobic, but who is their target audience? It certainly wouldn't encourage ME to go out and buy a cordless eircom phone.

    Thats Pat Shortt you uncultured hick.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭herbie747

    Originally posted by ballooba
    Thats Pat Shortt you uncultured hick.

    Unclultured? Who the hell is Pat Shortt, and why should I give a crap?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,921 ✭✭✭✭Pigman II

    That ad with the stupid little boll.ix telling his mate that his Ma had better have packed some dairylea-lunchables for him or else he'll divorce her or somesuch twaddle.

    And If he wasn't obnoxious enough already ... once he discovers he got his precious sh1t-sandwich he proceeds to stuff the bloody thing into his big fat ugly gob, right in front of this malnourished-looking friend of his who himself has nothing to eat! :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,107 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    I like those eircom ads. What's wrong with having a drag queen on it? It's just a piss-take. Pat Shorrt was one of the d'unbelievables. He's both the woman and the man in it.

    Yeah I hate those dairlylea kids by the way. Just hope they die from eating plastic cheese

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,560 ✭✭✭Woden

    Originally posted by herbie747
    Here are a few of the most annoying ads on at the moment:

    Dolmio Microwavable Pasta

    Hey Debbie, we go boogie, boogie?

    F*ck off, assh*le.

    "It's hard to believe that over 400 years ago when Tayto first came to Ireland......
    So just remember that, next time you get caught eating a pack of Tayto down the back of history class"

    I'd love to smash that little fagg*ts face in.

    Punto Ad
    "Don't, don't you want me baby? Don't you want me, woah, woah, wo-woah"

    Another annoying pr*ck

    Halifax Ads

    "Who gives you extra? who? hu, hu? (sung like "Who let the dogs out?")

    With the man dressed in drag like Freddie Mercury. Why are they promoting drag queens? I'm not homophobic, but who is their target audience? It certainly wouldn't encourage ME to go out and buy a cordless eircom phone.

    I find a number of them ads amusing.

    However an ad that really annoyed me when it ran was that "Go Walking" ad jesus christ that did my head in.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,698 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    The Pepcid ad with where they follow a vaguely simple looking man through a party........

    ....epecially the end where 'Harry' is in bed and the voiceover saying 'Harry? Harry?? ' while Harry looks like he's just let rip under the sheets.

    Not surprising if he's taken pepcid.

    The late night ad for some pots or something

    'Oh No!! Burnt Milk!! Its a kitchen disaster!! But it just peels right off!!'

    Right. now I'm going to go and kick some small dogs.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,286 ✭✭✭SprostonGreen

    Originally posted by ballooba
    Thats Pat Shortt you uncultured hick.

    Does knowing who Pat Shortt is, make you cultured ?

    Of course not, his style of comedy appeals to thick bog munchers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 590 ✭✭✭herbie747

    Originally posted by SprostonGreen
    Does knowing who Pat Shortt is, make you cultured ?

    Of course not, his style of comedy appeals to thick bog munchers.

    Thank You.

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