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Replacement Laptop

  • 24-06-2016 3:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 8,422 ✭✭✭

    Hey All,

    My laptop has died after 4 faithful years of service.

    Looking to get a replacement, but getting married in 2 months so can't really break the bank.

    Now be a good time to start looking at after the brexit? :D

    As per the sticky:
    Budget: Could possibly go up to €800 but happier around the €600 mark
    Intended Use: A bit of everything. I'm more a console gamer so my AAA games will be on them, but I'd like to have the oomph to play the AAA games of a few years ago. I also like to do game dev and web dev in my spare time.
    Mobility Can be huge for all I care, I just need a machine and haven't the room for a full rig.
    Warrenty Would be nice but not a deal breaker. I can fix any software issues but hardware is a bit beyond me.
    OS: Windows please
