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Where to find tester for business application

  • 29-01-2016 11:59am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭


    I am in the process of developing a piece of software to manage automatic price analysis and price setting.

    While I am relatively happy with it's accuracy I am having some issues with rounding on the operations and also coming up with the various edge cases that will need to be covered.

    While this is typically a job that a software QA would do, I would prefer somebody who is more comfortable with number, like an accountant. Is this something that an accountant would do?

    Any ideas on the best type of person who could do this and where I would go about finding them?

    Thanks in advance.

    Mods please note, this isn't an job advert. It is more advice on where to find somebody suitable to test my work. Thanks.
