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Repair for mousepad button/replace battery

  • 06-01-2016 1:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,000 ✭✭✭

    Hi All,

    Apologies if wrong forum.

    I've a 3 year old Dell XPS. The battery failed around a year ago and it only works plugged in now. Recently the left click button failed so I bought an external mouse. I use the laptop a lot for gaming and the external mouse is not practical as I don't have a desk available (play off my lap)

    The last time I got a Dell laptop repaired to fix battery issues I sank €150 into it and got nowhere. Two questions:
    • How much work is involved in fixing the mouse button? Seems a pure hardware fault.
    • Are replacement Dell batteries worth the investment?

    Part of me wants a new laptop (to play GTA V!) but I'm thinking I should just be sensible and stick with a perfectly fine laptop untill it officially bites the dust.
