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Obama admits US trains ISIL

  • 08-12-2015 12:32am
    Registered Users Posts: 728 ✭✭✭

    President Barack Obama talks about "speeding up" the US training of ISIL forces....

    Let me just spell out the "conspiracy' here so that this post does not fall foul of forum rules.

    America and NATO have been fomenting trouble in the middle east, training and funding ISIS/ISIL (who are nothing but a bunch of mercenaries) with a view to further destabilising the region in order to (illegally) bring about regime change in Syria to suit their own ends.

    This explains why the US got all pissy when Russia joined in and actually started bombing the US trained and funded terrorist group ISIS, something the Americans claim to have been doing for the past year or so. :rolleyes:


  • Registered Users Posts: 82,184 ✭✭✭✭Overheal
    Snopes wrote:
    Althoough the video does include a portion of a speech given by President Obama at the Pentagon on 6 July 2015 about "Progress in the Fight Against ISIL," the suggestion that he "made a shocking admission" about "training ISIL forces" is inaccurate. The President's comments merely included slip of the tongue, as evidenced by the President's following statement (i.e., that Sunni volunteers were being trained as "a new force against ISIL") and a correction issued by the White House (which noted President Obama's slip and placed the word "Iraqi" in brackets where it should have been used):
    Meanwhile, we continue to ramp up our training and support of local forces that are fighting ISIL on the ground. As I’ve said before, this aspect of our strategy was moving too slowly. But the fall of Ramadi has galvanized the Iraqi government. So, with the additional steps I ordered last month, we’re speeding up training of ISIL [Iraqi] forces, including volunteers from Sunni tribes in Anbar Province.

    More Sunni volunteers are coming forward. Some are already being trained, and they can be a new force against ISIL. We continue to accelerate the delivery of critical equipment, including anti-tank weapons, to Iraqi security forces, including the Peshmerga and tribal fighters. And I made it clear to my team that we will do more to train and equip the moderate opposition in Syria.

    Now, all this said, our strategy recognizes that no amount of military force will end the terror that is ISIL unless it’s matched by a broader effort -- political and economic -- that addresses the underlying conditions that have allowed ISIL to gain traction. They have filled a void, and we have to make sure that as we push them out that void is filled. So, as Iraqi cities and towns are liberated from ISIL, we’re working with Iraq and the United Nations to help communities rebuild the security, services and governance that they need. We continue to support the efforts of Prime Minister Abadi to forge an inclusive and effective Iraqi government that unites all the people of Iraq -- Shia, Sunnis, Kurds and all minority communities.
    More diligence should be exercised before jumping to conclusions in the future.

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