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Psychosis and Schizophrenia forum

  • 02-04-2015 12:31am
    Registered Users Posts: 27

    Hi guys. I had a browse through this and could not see anything for people like me who suffer from hearing voices and seeing things that are not there, I.e psychosis / schizophrenia. I want to see if anyone else is going through this horrible illness and how they cope. This illness is rarely spoken about but is as devastating to its suffers as depression. I hope Admin don't mind me posting this but I do feel there is a need for a thread on this subject.
    I would like to know how people cope in day to day life with this condition. For me personally it has taken everything from me. Before it hit I was training to be a nurse and was fairly good socially. Now I'm on disability, unable to go out socially unless my mum was wit me, unable to do farm work due to a fear of cattle. I can't even keep a secret as they force me to divulge my deepest and darkest secrets. I fight these demons on a daily basis as they try to control my every move. I get visions of me killing myself in different and in the most horrible of ways. It is torture. I'm on antipsychotics which has got rid of some of these things but I still suffer daily.
    It is my hope by creating this post that I can raise awareness of this illness and hopefully help people by sharing my experiences. So please if u or someone u love / know suffers from this let me know how ye cope wit all this.


  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    You could try the long term illness forum:

    Are you seeing a therapist on a regular basis in addition to the medication?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 squashman

    Ya I am and I find it really helpful but I still have both auditory and visual hallucinations every day and I get very low sometimes as well. However I have learned to live with them to a degree.
    I feel as if I have lost my personality. That I am only a shell of what I was.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Why don't you start a thread in the above forum? Lot's of people there giving each other support with long-term medical stuff like this.
