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System 10 advice needed

  • 29-03-2015 1:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    Just wondering has anyone tried system 10? I am just at about 10 st 3 p and want to drop a clothes size for good before the Summer.

    Is Systm 10 as good at getting your metabolism going as it has promised?

    Is it a waste of money or what?

    I have been in contact with different clinics but they all say it is normal food, has anyone a list of foods that can be eaten on this programme, I don't want to pay my money and then be on a unrealistic diet. I know your food programme is made out depending on your own needs but is there a sample to be found anywhere?

    With thanks


  • Registered Users Posts: 780 ✭✭✭Juran

    <<<<Posted this in the Health & Fitness Section a few mins ago>>>

    I enrolled in System 10 last year. I gave my stats (age, weight, height, sex, type of work, etc..) and a week later the local consultant gave me a document which specified my metabolism status & foods I should avoid during the diet - I found it a bit odd that that another person based 100 miles away came up with this without seeing me or doing a blood test. Anyways, I gave it a go.
    I was given a list of foods to consume each week - varying from one week to the next ... call it a diet plan, but they make out its tailored to your metabolism (whatever). Also an exercise plan was provided, differing from week to week. I did lose weight, but then again I was on a strict diet and exercising more - anyone would lose weight. After 6 weeks, I went off track and kinda lost motivation and didn't go back for a 2nd course. Where I found it let me down is that I was visiting the consulant on my own each week, it was like going to the doctor, in and out in 10 mins and being told where to improve. It lacked that personal support or group support that I needed to spur me on each week. If you are someone who needs someone to plan out what you eat and do everyday and you're ok with one-on-one 'talk', then it's for you. However, if like me you enjoy the competition and support of a group, then you might not get the most out of it.

    *** also to answer your question - types of foods in the food plan was (diferent selection each week, not all of these at once)

    B: All-bran / porraige / boiled and poached eggs / wholegrain toast
    L: chicken / salad / tuna / fish / veg
    D: chicken / salad / tuna / fish / veg / potato / eggs / wholegrain rice or pasta
    snack: non-sugar fruit / All-bran / ryvita with cheese triangle / porraige / bananas

    as you can see, if you were to embark on a weightloss plan on your own, you'd probably eat the above foods and limited calorie in-take to achieve your target.

    Hope this info helps

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭groovyg

    Op its the first time I've ever heard of it. I just did a quick search on google and seems to be along similar lines to the to the Motivation clinic. I'd be always wary of signing up to something that will give you short term results and then you are back to square one in a years time.

    So you are 10 stone 3pounds. What height are you and what is your current diet like. Have you always been this weight?

    You could save your money and read some of the stickies on this forum however if you want to keep a food diary and have someone look at your diet on a week to week basis then you might be better off going to a nutritionist/dietician.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 m0730

    Thanks alot for yere replies, it is a great help that you gave me a list if the foods, whenever I ask them they never give a sample day/week sample. I know you have to put in work to get results, think I am about 5'6" ish and have been pretty much the same height and weight in the last few years, in early twenties as well, just coming up to summer I want to be that much slimmer, I am dying to buy new jeans with a good while but not entirely happy with my figure to invest in good ones (because I would be under no pressure to loose a bit then)

    In System 10 they are all about talking about metabolism, if you do follow their programme would you kick off your metabolism at a quick rate as they have promised. I know a few girls that have fast metabolism history in there family and I would love to have agood metabilism like those girls. I would be willing to pay the money if I could speedy up my metabolism for good, but if it is only a normal system giving you advice on your food pirimid it would be of little good and use to me.

    I also don't feel well after gluten or porredge and are off them with a few years, so I have very little ideas as what to eat every day for say breakfast, break and supper. I am looking for ideas to fill me up for breakfast I finish up eating choc and maybe crisps before reaching work.

    I am very slim in compared to what I should be like with all the rubbish I eat but still I. Wanna loose the stomach I have with a few years and just be thiner for good

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭groovyg

    What do you eat for breakfast at the moment? If you are eating chocolate and crisps then that is not a good start to the day and its not going to help with losing inches.

    You mention speeding up your metabolism and system 10 have a program to do this ! This most likely is their marketing ploy. Do you do any exercise? If you want to speed up metabolism work out, lift weights, do interval sessions and eat unprocessed foods.

    For breakfast could you look at making your own muesli/granola (gluten free options) Do a quick google and you'll find loads and loads of recipes for granola on the net. You can substitute the oats to gluten free oats. If you are not gluten intolerant have you tried spelt oats? Other options are quinoa flakes (quiet expensive) rice flakes, buckwheat flakes and then mix in with what ever seeds, nuts, fruit etc. You could have this with Greek yoghurt for breakfast. Lidl is good for nuts and Aldi for seeds.

    I generally have oats soaked overnight in greek yoghurt and milk with almonds and whatever seeds and fruit I have in the press. Today I had overnight oats with chia seeds and almonds and was full until lunch. Just substitute the oats with gluten free oats. This was a thread on breakfast options a few weeks ago. Other options are eggs, fried, scrambled, egg muffins/omlettes with whatever foods you fancy, yoghurt and berries, mackerel.

    For snacks in work you could bring in hummus and have with carrots, nuts, fruit, if you are really craving chocolate have dark chocolate (70% cocoa).

    If you want to spend money, have somebody look at your diet and meet with you weekly to chart your progress and give you tips you could try Karen Coghlan the Nut Coach or Dominic Munnelly known as Transform on here. I am not affiliated with either of them btw. Just heard of them through here on boards. I am sure there are others that posters can recommend also.

    The only way to lose fat is to eat unprocessed foods but if you are eating chocolate and crisps for breakfast then I'm not sure if System 10 will sort out the problem long term. From what the other poster described they just seem interested in getting your money and then doing giving you a plan to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 m0730

    Thanks so much everyone for reply, ye were so much help, I had an appointment made with a consultant for yesterday and decided that I would go to her just to listen to what she had to say!she basically told me I had no business of going to her, that it would be a waste of money, fare play to her. I am around 10 st and have fat stored at lower belly, hips and calfs! How on earth can I get rid of it!!!!!! Is it possible to get 'thin' instead of toning? I just want to be smaller all over.

    If I eat less, then does that mean that I will slow down metabolism???
    Any help would be appreciated

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭groovyg

    What is your diet like at the moment? Do you do any exercise?

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭crestglan

    Personally I suffer from low metabolism I have an under active tyhroid the best thing I have done to give me more energy is I bought a juicer and juice fruit and veg I also add a spoon of powdered Vit C I have tones more energy and feel great loads of motivation to get up and exercise
