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Amiko Alien2 - Enigma2 Firmware NO DISCUSSION Thread

  • 10-02-2015 9:06am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,357 ✭✭✭

    Useful bits and pieces of info for Enigma2

    The Spark Image on these boxes have limitations and so, a proper Linux Based firmware seems to provide more possibilities and it could be said, has been supported better than Spark.

    Some reasons for considering Enigma
    The Spark code is being updated now and again with features being added gradually.

    Satellite 7 day EPG
    Recording by programme name
    Recording from both Terrestrial and Sat simultaneously
    FF and Rew working without freezing
    Resume playback from last point watched
    Series Link (sort of - using an Auto Timer plugin) - See below
    Streaming of TV channels to both PC's, laptops, phones
    Program the Timer when out and about with an Android Phone App

    And then there's CCCam / C-Line compatibility !!!

    Full Setup Guide in Post #2

    Some useful website Links

    Allows for a combined Terrestrial and Satellite EPG

    AutoTimer Plugin
    Allows the box to search the EPG, both Terrestrial and Satellite, for a programme name, within any timespan, and automatically add it to the Timer for recording.


    Should any questions be asked in this thread, please Report the post (Click the Red Triangle in bottom Left) so the Mods can delete the post to keep the Thread on track

    ** The Ideal beginners image - everything you could possibly need all setup and working **
    ** See Post #2 of this thread or the Readme file in the download directory **

    Champions OpenATV AA2/7162 Image Download Link -

    Champions OpenAR-P AA2/7162 Image Download Link -
    Champions OpenAR-P SAB Solo/8900 Image Download Link -


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,357 ✭✭✭championc

    Follow the following guide to load an Image onto an Amiko Alien / SAB / GM Triplex (basically all Spark & Enigma2 boxes)

    Image installation procedure - the safe, simple and 100% foolproof way. If you already have an Enigma2 Image on your box, skip steps 1 & 3 below

    1. Download the E2 Plugins from the following link Take the whole folder and copy it to the root of any USB stick
    2. Boot the box into the default Spark operating system. If your box is in Enigma already, turn it off, hold in the OK button on the box and keep it pressed, turn on the box and release the OK when you see the FORC message on the box. Press the Up arrow on the box which will then say SPAR and then press OK
    3. Insert the stick into the box. The system will see the stick being installed and prompt for the installation of the plugins - say "Yes"
    4. Download and copy the pre-prepared image of your choice to a USB stick. You can copy any number of images to the same stick, putting each in it's own separate directory on the stick. An image contains two files - uImage and e2jffs2.img
    5. Press Menu, Press Down and Right to plugins. Select the e2upgrade plugin from the list. On screen, you then will see a box with /c/storage in black writing in a yellow bar across the centre of the screen. Click OK to navigate to the folder you want, press Red to select and press Red to Upgrade
    6. Upon completion, turn off the box. Press and hold the OK button, Turn ON the box and wait until you see the front panel say FORC. At this point, release the OK button. Press the DOWN arrow button on the box and it will display ENIG. Press and Release the OK button.
    7. The box will now reboot into Enigma

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭Zardoz

    Ok guys here is a copy of a Hyperion 4.5 backup I made for the Alien 2 aka Golden Media Triplex aka Sab Triple

    Its quite similar to my Hyperion 4 backup but has a few slight changes but its mostly the same .

    I've included a few mods and tweaks in this image to improve performance over the basic Hyperion 4.5 build.

    Firstly it has the amixer audio boost script running so the audio levels are 60% louder than the stock Hyperion image and more like Spark and other receiver levels.
    Also included is the alternative audio.elf file by Muitler to improve sound playback via an amp .
    This doesnt provide dts audio playback so I am enclosing the original audio.elf file too (it goes in /boot)

    Improved tuxtext.ttf file for a better teletext font.

    History Zap Selector v1.8 is included ,handy for channel browsing .(Prev/Next Button or Recall)
    Use 0 to switch between 2 channels.

    Record Infobar is also included

    I have also tweaked a few of the button mapping configurations and settings .

    It is configured for 28 East Satellite and Saorview ,all picons are installed (usr/local/share/enigma2 )as is an up to date channel list inc some Iptv links.
    An upto date satellites.xml file covering 30w to 45e is also installed.

    Autobouquets (Sept 29 2014 build) is installed if you'd prefer to use this to generate channel lists,its configured for the Republic of Ireland but its easy to change..

    Installed Plugins
    Automatic Volume Adjustment
    CrossEPG 0.8.1 ( configured to update when the box is in standby )
    CoolTVGuide v7.3 (opens on EPG,Green button also opens Single EPG)
    RTE Player
    1channel (latest version;wont work in certain countries due to isp blocking)
    IPTV List Updater v1.63
    Enhanced Movie Centre
    Media Portal v6.76
    Media Player
    History Zap Browser
    Open Web Interface

    Oscam v10000 is installed and running,you just need to edit the oscam.server file with your details
    Oscam port: 8888 user: root, pass: oscam

    FTP: user:root ,pass:pkteam

    I've set the default skin as PLi-HD but there are a few other skins to try inc Sky Blue HD ,if you'd prefer.
    Plenty of free flash space to install other plugins .
    I tried to keep an average free memory of ~15Mb in normal usage so didnt install too many superfluous plugins

    The image is setup to use DHCP automatically and is also set for HDMI at 720p.

    This is an extremely solid image and very quick ,I have been running it for the last 2 months .
    Many thanks to the PKT team,data devil, and other plugin developers who have put in sterling work with the different code involved in this backup.


    Some sample screenshots






  • Closed Accounts Posts: 474 ✭✭Technofobe

    Backup of openATV 4.2 with recording bug fix thanks to Zardoz and Champ
    This is a bare minimum setup
    only 1 boquet favorites
    With all channels in that
    Starting with RTE 1 as channel 1 and so on

    No autoboquets or cross EPG
    ondemand is installed


    IP address

    If anyone wants to give it a go

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 215 ✭✭glog

    HI Zardoz,
    Can you check your
    Alien 2 Hyperion 4.5 Backup

    file please - it was last updated 3 days ago but I think it may be corrupt.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 179 ✭✭dav32cs

    Vix 4 E2 Project have released/updated(it's V2 anyways) an image for a few boxes including Amiko Alien 2 & Mini.

    I've tried the image on both and it runs very stable for me no big issues so far. I've got a few plugins through box download and all work fine for me except Auto Bouquets. Set up OK and it refuses to run and exits after about 2 seconds. Not a big deal for me because I don't use it but just to be aware.

    It's a pretty nice and clean looking Skin and EPG interface.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭Zardoz

    I updated my Hyperion 4.5 backup this week to bring it more up to date .

    Firmware was updated from SVN 3087 to 3129 via blue panel

    Rats Channel Updater
    Rats Picon Updater

    Updated satellites.xml file
    Updated channel list and picons
    Switched fron Service Referenced Picons to Service Named Picons and updated the picon renderer file to display Service Named Picons
    Updated Mediaportal

    I also switched the video.elf file to that of HDMU so as to improve the picture quality

    Plus a few other small tweaks

    The link is the same as before and this time I have included a repacked image backup (thanks to Joeuser) which is only 70MB in size.
    This should be easier to flash for people who previously had difficulties flashing the 120MB files.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,357 ✭✭✭championc

    Happy New Year to all fellow Boardies

    For those lovers of OpenATV, here's Champions OpenATV 5.1 based image

    Here's a link to my Champions 28 December 2015 OpenATV v5.1 based Image - for the Amiko Alien2, AA2+ and other ST7162 Based Boxes. The download link contains folders for THREE boxes - the Amiko Alien2 (and 2+), the GM Triplex and the SAB Triple. Each image is branded for each box.

    Image installation procedure - the safe, simple and 100% foolproof way. If you already have an Enigma2 Image on your box, skip steps 1 & 3 below

    1. Download the E2 Plugins from the following link Take the whole folder and copy it to the root of any USB stick
    2. Boot the box into the default Spark operating system. If your box is in Enigma already, turn it off, hold in the OK button on the box and keep it pressed, turn on the box and release the OK when you see the FORC message on the box. Press the Up arrow on the box which will then say SPAR and then press OK
    3. Insert the stick into the box. The system will see the stick being installed and prompt for the installation of the plugins - say "Yes"
    4. Download and copy the pre-prepared image of your choice to a USB stick. You can copy any number of images to the same stick, putting each in it's own separate directory on the stick. An image contains two files - uImage and e2jffs2.img
    5. Press Menu, Press Down and Right to plugins. Select the e2upgrade plugin from the list. On screen, you then will see a box with /c/storage in black writing in a yellow bar across the centre of the screen. Click OK to navigate to the folder you want, press Red to select and press Red to Upgrade
    6. Upon completion, turn off the box. Press and hold the OK button, Turn ON the box and wait until you see the front panel say FORC. At this point, release the OK button. Press the DOWN arrow button on the box and it will display ENIG. Press and Release the OK button.
    7. The box will now reboot into Enigma

    This image is working with the following plugins:-
    AutoTimer, AutoVolumeAdjustment, AutoBoquets (AutoUpdate turned OFF), CrossEPG (0.8.1) (Updates at 04:00 Daily), Various Skins, all Picons, Rats Picons, OSCam v11201 (with blank sample C-Line and N-Line Readers), PermanentTimeShift (Turned Off), OpenWebIf, Samba Server, Streaming / Recording of $ Channels while watching another $ channel, and more. CrossEPG is also flushed out once a week. This image uses the bundled OpenATV EPG Display.

    You can obviously install any other plugins you choose. Use the Download menu in Plugins or just FTP the .ipk files to the /TMP folder, telnet to the box and type IPKG INSTALL xxxxxxx.ipk. This should work for most plugins.

    The image is setup to use DHCP automatically and is also set for using HDMI at 720p. Terrestrial is NOT YET scanned and will need to be setup in SETUP > SERVICE SEARCHING > TUNER CONFIGURATION

    Change the Weather in the Metrix skin - go to Plugins > MyMetrixLite > Weather and set the number for your location. Get the number from HERE -

    FTP and Telnet - Username "root", Password Blank
    WebInterface - http://box_ip (Default Port 80)
    DreamBoxEdit paths - /etc/enigma2/

    OSCam - http://your_box_ip:8888 - Username "root", Password "oscam"

    Enjoy !!!

    ** The Ideal beginners image - everything you could possibly need all setup and working **
    ** See the Readme file in the download directory **

    Champions OpenATV 5.1 AA2/7162 Image Download Link - (For the AA2, AA2+, GM Triplex and SAB Triple)

    Champions OpenAR-P SAB Solo/8900 Image Download Link -

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,017 ✭✭✭DopeTech

    My Hyperion 5.1 backup for anyone that wants to try it. No major changes from v4.5 but uses a less memory and handles recordings a little better.

    Firmware was updated from SVN 3242 to 3269 via blue panel

    Bits added:
    AutoBouquets from 10 Nov 2015 (updates daily at 1am)
    CrossEPG 0.8.1 (updates in standby)
    CoolTVGuide v7.3
    Enhanced Movie Center (turned off atm, looks better with Pli-mod skin)
    HistoryZap Selector (Use recall button to zap back to any of the last 10 channels you have watched)
    OSCam v9577 (with blank sample reader)
    Rats Picon Updater (Rats picons suit the PLI-mod skin better imo)
    Saorview and uk tv picons (mk picons)
    Samba Server
    Updated satellites.xml and terrestrial.xml files
    Updated channel list
    Updated picon renderer file to display Service Named Picons
    Updated Bootlogo.mvi to a $ly one
    Updated video.elf - Using one found in HDMU to improve picture quality.
    Updated audio.elf - to improve audio and to stop audio dropouts.

    (original bootlogo.mvi, video.elf and audio.elf included in download also.)

    Download Link:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭how.gareth

    here is my backup for hyperion 5.4. it only has oscam, cooltvguide and epg installed. i have my own bouquets made as i dont use abm. epg set to download at 7am every day. its set up for 1080i 50hrz so you might need to change that to suit yourself and i dont use cache flush as it runs fine without it, firmware is updated via the blue panel. i kept the default skin as the sky one slows it down i think. any questions please keep them to the discussion thread, NOT THIS ONE!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 63 ✭✭pod2011

    Rte Player Plugin 2017

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 55 ✭✭topper1978

    My Hyperion 5.5 backup for anyone that wants to try it. It is basic so feel free to improve upon.

    Set to 720p 50 Hz & DHCP & Teresterial tuner changed to cable (can be changed back in extras settings in Blue Panel).

    Username/password combo for FTP, etc - root/pkteam

    Firmware was updated to 3524 via blue panel

    Bits added:
    AutoBouquets (updates weekly at 8am)
    CrossEPG 0.8.1 (updates daily at 4am)
    CoolTVGuide v7.6
    Enhanced Movie Center (turned on atm)
    EPG Import (uipdates daily at 07:01)
    OpenWebIf (port 80)
    OSCam v1000 - port 8888 username/password - root/oscam
    Rats Picon Updater
    Updated satellites.xml and cable.xml files
    Updated channel list

    original bootlogo.mvi, video.elf and audio.elf

    History Zap Selector doesn't work
    PICONS don't work except on Openwebif
    Changing skins causes a lot of issues - I have it on PKT_Silver HD - This is the best/only one that I've had no issues with.

    Dowload link:
    Alternative bootlogo download:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭givecredit

    topper1978 wrote: »
    My Hyperion 5.5 backup for anyone that wants to try it. It is basic so feel free to improve upon.

    Bits added:
    AutoBouquets (updates weekly at 8am)

    History Zap Selector doesn't work
    PICONS don't work except on Openwebif
    Changing skins causes a lot of issues - I have it on PKT_Silver HD - This is the best/only one that I've had no issues with.

    Dowload link:
    Alternative bootlogo download:

    For Autobouquets to work correctly in your image, Go to Menu, Setup,System, Customize, and set Load unlinked userbouquets to = no.

    This stops unwanted bouquets from reappearing after a Autobouquets run.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭lensman

    topper1978 wrote: »
    My Hyperion 5.5 backup for anyone that wants to try it. It is basic so feel free to improve upon.

    Set to 720p 50 Hz & DHCP & Teresterial tuner changed to cable (can be changed back in extras settings in Blue Panel).

    Username/password combo for FTP, etc - root/pkteam

    Firmware was updated to 3524 via blue panel

    Bits added:
    AutoBouquets (updates weekly at 8am)
    CrossEPG 0.8.1 (updates daily at 4am)
    CoolTVGuide v7.6
    Enhanced Movie Center (turned on atm)
    EPG Import (uipdates daily at 07:01)
    OpenWebIf (port 80)
    OSCam v1000 - port 8888 username/password - root/oscam
    Rats Picon Updater
    Updated satellites.xml and cable.xml files
    Updated channel list

    original bootlogo.mvi, video.elf and audio.elf

    History Zap Selector doesn't work
    PICONS don't work except on Openwebif
    Changing skins causes a lot of issues - I have it on PKT_Silver HD - This is the best/only one that I've had no issues with.

    Dowload link:
    Alternative bootlogo download:
    Cant seem to get cooltv working, any ideas?...thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 582 ✭✭✭Anchises


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 582 ✭✭✭Anchises

    Ignore please - my error .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 68 ✭✭gct

    Hi, I'm hoping somebody can help me out here. I'm looking to load an E2 image on to a golden media spark triplex. Will a ViX4E2PROJECT 4.0 build work on a Golden Media box. The build is for an amiko alien 2 but I think the golden media spark triplex is the same box just a different brand name.
    Thanks in advance

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,357 ✭✭✭championc

    Yes, it should work ok. The Amiko Alien2 = GM Triplex = SAB Unix

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,572 ✭✭✭Gerry Wicklow

    Amiko Alien 2 openATV6.1 images.
    NB These images are offered AS IS with no guarantees. I have not had time to comprehensively test them. Remember to always make backups of your set up first before messing.

    Cairn Hill openATV 6.1

    AA2 Kippure openATV 6.1

    User:- root
    Password :- root

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,803 ✭✭✭Sir Osis of Liver.

    Is it possible to flash the Amiko Mini hd receiver with Enigma 2 or Android os?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,085 ✭✭✭Zardoz

    Is it possible to flash the Amiko Mini hd receiver with Enigma 2 or Android os?

    Yes, it runs Enigma 2 images, the same as the Alien 1.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,803 ✭✭✭Sir Osis of Liver.

    Zardoz wrote: »
    Yes, it runs Enigma 2 images, the same as the Alien 1.
    Can it be flashed with ipab or wooshbuild?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 358 ✭✭dkane

    Has anyone got an up to date Hyperion image for the Amiko Alien 2+?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 152 ✭✭Martynet

    Amiko Alien 2 openATV6.1 images.
    NB These images are offered AS IS with no guarantees. I have not had time to comprehensively test them. Remember to always make backups of your set up first before messing.

    Cairn Hill openATV 6.1

    AA2 Kippure openATV 6.1

    User:- root
    Password :- root

    Hi, I'm beginner and trying to setup my first amino alien 2. I have tried many images like pet Hyperion, hdmu and openatv. I like the openatv 6.1 best. But I only found basic img without plugin pack. These to images you posted, do they include all the emu plugins and stuff? What is the difference between them? thanks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,572 ✭✭✭Gerry Wicklow

    The raw openATV images contain the basic plugins that most people want such as crossEPG, cooltvguide and autotimer. As you are aware when installing any image you need to scan the Saorview transmitter for your locality. The only difference between the two images I have posted is that one is already configured for the Cairn Hill mast and the other for Kippure. If you need other plugins it should be a simple matter to go into MENU > PLUGINS and get what you want.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭TheChevron

    The raw openATV images contain the basic plugins that most people want such as crossEPG, cooltvguide and autotimer. As you are aware when installing any image you need to scan the Saorview transmitter for your locality. The only difference between the two images I have posted is that one is already configured for the Cairn Hill mast and the other for Kippure. If you need other plugins it should be a simple matter to go into MENU > PLUGINS and get what you want.
    Hi Gerry, I recenly installed openatv 4.2 and it has a problem recording. Can you confirm that there are no issues with recording on your 6.1 image?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,572 ✭✭✭Gerry Wicklow

    TheChevron wrote: »
    Hi Gerry, I recenly installed openatv 4.2 and it has a problem recording. Can you confirm that there are no issues with recording on your 6.1 image?
    Haven't had a problem yet. Very reliable image.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 63 ✭✭pod2011

    Has anyone got cool tv plugin to upload here?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,357 ✭✭✭championc

    pod2011 wrote:
    Hi Has anyone got cool tv plugin to upload here?

    Go with OpenATV and you have a ready built-in EPG

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,135 ✭✭✭gar

    Anyone got a latest image with OpenATV setup?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,357 ✭✭✭championc

    gar wrote:
    Anyone got a latest image with OpenATV setup?

    Realistically, it will only take you about 10 mins to setup everything. The main attraction of these boxes was for use with activities which we cannot discuss.

    Most owners have possibly moved on to IPTV and you'd need a more powerful box for that to work well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,572 ✭✭✭Gerry Wicklow

    openATV 5.1 from 2016 is the most recent I can find. You could search for someone else's backup instead

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,135 ✭✭✭gar

    Cheers, have 6.1 running at the mo already. No idea where I got it and missing my back up

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 123 ✭✭clvk07

    here the link for Open ATV 6.2

    Needs to be set up from scratch ( Alien 2)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭how.gareth

    clvk07 wrote: »
    here the link for Open ATV 6.2

    Needs to be set up from scratch ( Alien 2)
    Is this their most recent build or have they stoped updating it? The missus is still using my stb running an ancient version of fresh pots Hyperion 4 and it’s absolutely flawless!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,572 ✭✭✭Gerry Wicklow

    clvk07 wrote: »
    here the link for Open ATV 6.2

    Needs to be set up from scratch ( Alien 2)

    No wonder I couldn't find a recent image, they changed the directory paths. It used to contain the specific image number :o

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,135 ✭✭✭gar

    clvk07 wrote: »
    here the link for Open ATV 6.2

    Needs to be set up from scratch ( Alien 2)

    Anyone fancy doing this for me tuned for kippure?!! ;-)

    Dont have the time to be messing with the box at the moment unfortunately.
    Perhaps in a few weeks.

    Out of curiosity is 6.1 / 6.2 more resource heavy on the amiko alien compared to earlier openatv versions?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,342 ✭✭✭RobertFoster

    Hopefully it's OK to ask for help here (the "NO DISCUSSION" part of the title seems to be ignored... ;))

    I went with a nightly build of OpenATV 6.2 from the link clvk07 posted. It's working well (better than VIX4 was), but I'm having trouble tuning in Saorview channels. It was initially getting just RTÉ 1, 1+1, RTÉjr, VM3, etc. but now it's not even picking up those.

    I've noticed that it's skipping Kippure Mux1 (CH54) completely when doing an automatic scan, and I can't even select that channel when doing a manual scan.

    There's another TV (with Saorview built in) in the house able to receive all Saorview channels from Kippure, so I think the issue is with the image or settings. Using that TV I've been able to rule out any cable or signal issues. I've also flashed the image to a second AA2 box to rule out a possible hardware fault, but I can't tune in Saorview channels on that box either.

    Is this a case of trying another nightly build, or is there some way I can force a scan of CH54? Perhaps I'm missing some settings somewhere?
