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Candida diet: Protein

  • 16-08-2014 10:23am
    Registered Users Posts: 3

    Hi guys,
    Iv a question about getting adequate protein on a candida diet.. I'm new to it, and am losing weight and feeling really weak.
    I have a.job which is quite physical, and am building muscle..
    I'm pescatarian but don't want to rely on only fish due to mercury concerns, is this realistic?
    I became intolerant of eggs which was disappointing...
    A food test with my kinesiologist said I can't have nuts, or any beans, Lentils are allowed and soya/tofu which most anti candida diets seem to ban? And lentils need a grain with them to be complete (am trying to ban carbs in this initial phase)

    This week I tried chia seeds and wheatgrass and felt awful.. Like I had the flu, could barely get out of bed, candida symptoms worse than ever..
    Maybe a mistake to start both at same time..
    Are chia seeds enough as a protein if I keep taking them?
    What else can I eat?! Seem to be reacting to everything...
    I'm taking probiotic+ colloidal silver, and was recommended olive leaf by kinesiologist, thinking of rotating them.
    Any advice would be much appreciated..
    Thanking you in advance


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,123 ✭✭✭Talisman

    From what I remember of my sister's diet to deal with Candida, the only fish allowed was Wild Salmon and Sardines - not the stuff that comes in tin coated in sauce.

    Quinoa is a possible solution to your protein needs, it contains all of the essential amino acids.
