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Allergy Injections & Medical Card

  • 29-05-2014 1:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    I've had a dust mite allergy since I was in my mid-teens. Not very bad just itchy eyes, runny nose and a little phlegm- all the symptoms of a histamine reaction.

    I've been put on allergy injections by a specialist. Essentially every three weeks I turn up at the consultants office and get a quick jab. Cost is 75 euro. VHI won't cover it.

    Now I covered it personally while I worked but I've recently been made redundant and so have applied for a medical card. As I haven't received an answer the answers may not be relevant as I might not qualify. If I do will the jabs be covered?

    - This is a long term treatment, lasting 2-3 years. But has shown good results in making someone 'immune' to dust mites.
