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Anyboday want a Wwoofer ?

  • 06-05-2014 9:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 6,141 ✭✭✭

    I recieved an email today, pasted below, if you want his email address I'll pm it to you. I don't have enough work for him, all my animals are gone.

    Basically wwoofers work for about 6 hours a day, in return for board and lodgings, no money changes hands either way.

    WE've had people before, from Japan, Canada, France, USA, Italy, Spain.......,

    Hi !
    I'm a 18Years old boy from France and i'm looking for a farm in the end of may and june.
    I've never tried to Wwoof before, but I think this is the best way to travel, to catch the mentality of the country, to meet people and of course to discover or learn more about farming.
    It would be perfect for me to stay 3 or 4 weeks in the same place.

    Some words about me and my motivation :
    I'm in the end of my gap year and I feel like I have to heave away and the Ireland attracts me a lot !

    I love speaking English, and I really want to learn more about this language.
    I'm a musician (I play the piano, the guitar and I sing), and most of my inspiration comes from your green landscapes. Also, in France the artists are not really appreciated and there's too many rules about Busking while you guys are very open minded about this.

    I want to do a tour of Ireland alone, but I don't think that being in a constant movement is the best way to discover a new country. And being in a family would be a huge chance for me.

    Since i was a child, i love the nature, but i never learned how to take care of it, while this is in my opinion the most important thing in earth

    As I said, it's my first time here, but i'm very motivated, and I really want to learn more about how to take care of cattle, grow plants and how to sing “the parting glass” as an Irish men :)

    Feel free to contact me, i'll answer quickly ! I really want to share something with you, a thing that nothing can buy : The love of the life and the passion of meeting people.

    Take care
