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Strength Training Log

  • 16-02-2014 5:11pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    Okay just a little personal record for myself for strength gainz... hopefully anything i learn overcoming plateaus may be of use to passers by

    Goals - 200kg squat (ATG),
    250kg deadlift (and to be able to pull from the floor properly as getting PPT at set position currently),
    140kg bench

    (26th January 2014)
    Starting - 130kg squat,
    147.5kg rack pull - from below patella (theoretical max)-(95kgx17)
    112.5 bench

    (16th Feb 2014)
    Current (all theoritcal maxes) - 137.5kg squat, (115x6)
    120kg bench (95x8)
    170kg rack pull (125 x11)

    The huge jump in the rack pull is due to the fact that i based my lifting percentages off of a modest amount so that i could work on form, i adjusted for this over time.

    im doing each lift 2 times a week on a wendler 531 program set up... i will eventually be switching to a cube style program but i think i will base it off of rep ranges instead of %s because your 1 rep max is not going to stay fixed for a 9 week period.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Mod: Moved to fitness logs
