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Sharepoint 2010 training

  • 28-01-2014 3:36pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,049 ✭✭✭

    Hope I am in the right area to ask this question.

    The IT Division I work in is looking at changing from Microsoft CMS 2002 to Sharepoint for our Intranet and our external customer websites.

    I have been asked to do training on this with a view to me assisting in building the website from the ground up and once it is life to be involved in maintaining, updating it. I have also been asked to to look for companies that will provide training.

    Any of the companies I have found on the net seem to do online training but I am looking for places that do training in a classroom setting or who would come to our office to do the training.

    Has anybody any ideas as to what companies would do this training?


