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Lack of generosity from boyfriend

  • 09-10-2013 1:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Can somebody help me out here? I have been going out with a guy for almost a year now. We have lots of fun together, are interested in a lot of the same things and just get along really well. But there is one thing about him that annoys the hell out of me. He never shows any generosity towards me. He has never paid to take me out to dinner. It is always 50/50. In fact he will often put down less that half his share which drives me mad (although I have never said it to him and just foolishly paid the rest).

    Don’t get me wrong I think it is fine to be usually split but it would mean the world to me if just sometime he treated me to a dinner. Like the other day I drove over 100 miles to see him up and down in one day and he didn’t even pay for dinner even though I spent over 60 euro on diesel and parking. Even on our very first date he didn’t offer to pay. He is not short on cash and has a good job so that is not the issue. He also lacks other gentlemanly traits such as opening or holding open a door for me or just showing that he appreciates me with selfless acts.

    Am I completely outdated in my beliefs? I can’t help the fact that this really annoys me about him and I am really starting to feel that he is selfish and just takes me for granted. I really want our relationship to work as we get on great together. Sometimes I guess I just don’t feel appreciated. He says he loves me but I never see the actions to go with this…. Should I bring it up with him and if so how??? If it matters we are both in our late 20’s.


  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    Hi Op,

    Welcome to Boards :) As you already have a this thread in Relationship issues, I'm going to lock this one.

    All the best :)

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