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  • 19-09-2013 1:32am
    Registered Users Posts: 17

    Dating sites? What is the story with them? I have tried a a couple that are Irish based. I think they are just chat forums. I am not sure what the motives are of some of the members. I have been on them on and off for a while and im convinced that a sizeable majority are just on to chat with no real sense of trying to find anyone to strike up a relationship. I can appreciate that it takes time to get to know someone but i have tried to strike up some chats with which appear to be anyway, some pretty decent ladys and everything goes fine for the first little while then the dialogue just stops suddenly. I would have to question what some are really on these sites for. Just to pass the time? Its anyones guess? I am a 40 year old male. Tall have been told i am genuine and again without being brash, good looking. I know every person has the right to choose who they chat with and who they want to develop a rapport with and i respect that. I know the answer to this post will be ' youre looking in the wrong place'. I do think i am aswell. It leaves me to think that these sites are just fads and have no real substance at all to them. I dont say anthing untoward to anyone, just a normal decent man. From what ive seen you would really have to question what people really want if they want a relationship at all.


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