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vpn over eFibre?

  • 27-07-2013 10:51am
    Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭


    At my office, we've been using a Billion router to provide vpn access to our network for people working outside the office. This has worked well, but we've now moved over to eFibre so we're no longer using the Billion.

    I can see there's a VPN section in the eircom Zyxel F1000 modem/router, but I can't make head nor tail of it.
    Is it capable of providing a vpn connection that users can dial into and if so, how?
    Otherwise, could we connect the Billion in a way that would allow it to provide the vpn connection as previously?

    Is there another solution I should be looking at? Our primary reason for a vpn is remote access.

