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IDAHOT Day Irish/European events 2013

  • 14-05-2013 11:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 41,053 ✭✭✭✭

    There are some interesting events taking place for International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia this week

    Belong To
    BeLonG To at IDAHOT Seminar in Brunel University

    Our Executive Director, Michael Barron, is speaking at a seminar on "Challenging Heteronormativity: Practise, Activism and Impact Bridging Policy, Practise and Research".

    Michael will be speaking alongside Professor Ian Rivers (Brunel), Jay Stewart (Gendered Intelligence) and Amelia Lee (LGBT YOUTH NW / Schools OUT).

    This seminar will be exploring:
    What lessons can be learnt from activism/practise?
    How might youth research and theory on LGBTQ issues be used to challenge gender/ sexual inequalities in schools, colleges, youth settings and beyond?
    What are the new areas of research collaboration where academics and activists can work together?
    What are the opportunities and challenges in influencing policymakers on LGBTQ youth issues?

    IDAHOT Event in Clondalkin with Minister Frances Fitzgerald!

    BeLonG To is pleased to be presenting at the 'Best LGBT Policy & Practice for Community , Drugs and Youth Organisations' seminar on the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia. Organised by the Clondalkin Rainbow Alliance, David Carroll, Director of Services with BeLonG To, will speak about the issues affecting LGBT young people, and offer suggestions on ways in which professionals can enhance their work practise to be more inclusive of LGBT youth.

    IDAHOT Conference on School Ethos & LGBT Identities at the University of Limerick

    BeLonG To will be speaking at a conference at the University of Limerick, on 'School Ethos' and LGBT identities. The conference is funded by the Irish Research Council and brings together Irish and international researchers, NGOs, the Department of Education & Skills, the Joint Management Board, and other education partners. BeLonG To is honoured to have been one of the few NGOs invited to participate in this ground-breaking event which will provide a vital opportunity for education partners to talk about challenges and strategies related to school ethos and LGBT young people.

    What's happening around the world for IDAHOT?

    Dutch Government Hosting a Top Level Conference

    The Dutch Government will be hosting a broad International IDAHOT Conference, which will take place in the Hague on May 15-17.

    The aims for this IDAHOT conference are “to promote emancipation of LGBT people, to combat violence and discrimination based on gender (identity) and sexual orientation, and to take stock of public leadership, policy achievements and cooperation in Europe and beyond”.

    ILGA Publishes New Rainbow Map of LGBTI Rights:

    Which European country is a champion of LGBTI equality and which countries are in the ‘red zone’? What are the main European trends: both in terms of achievements and shortcomings? Are the European institutions doing enough? Is Europe moving forward or taking steps back? The ILGA Rainbow Europe package will be launched and will give an overall picture of the current state of play of the human rights of LGBTI people in Europe and will consist of two major documents:

    1. Rainbow Europe Map reflects the 49 European countries’ legislation and policies that have a direct impact on the enjoyment of human rights by LGBTI people. The Rainbow Europe Map will reflect each European country’s situation and will give overall score on how far this country is on a scale between 0% and 100%.

    2. Second edition of ILGA-Europe Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of LGBTI People in Europe provides insights into the political and social developments and thus complements the more legally oriented Rainbow Europe Map with a feeling of what an everyday life and environment for LGBTI people is in different European countries.

    Council of Europe - No Hate Speech Online Campaign

    The Council of Europe is running a 'No Hate Speech Online' campaign - you can find out more about how you can help on

    For more information on IDAHOT events visit:

    Cork LGBT Awareness week

    Changing attitude
    Services for IDAHO 2013

    Sunday 12th May
    Dublin: St Patrick’s Cathedral, 3.15pm
    Speaker: Canon Mark Gardner

    Limerick: St Mary’s Cathedral, 7.00pm
    Speaker: Canon Marie Rowley-Brooke

    Kilkenny: St Canice’s Cathedral, 8.00pm
    Speaker: Bishop Michael Burrows

    Friday 17th May
    Newry:St Catherine’s church, 8.30 pm
    (in association with Newry Rainbow Community)

    Sunday 19th May
    Cork: St Anne’s, Shandon,10.30am
    Speaker: Jerry Buttimer TD

    Sunday 26th May
    L’Derry: St Columb’s Cathedral, 4.00pm
    Speaker: Archdeacon Scott Harte

    Co-ordinated by Changing Attitude Ireland
    Working for LGBT inclusion in the Churches

    No Hate Speech Movement Online Actions (I am involved in organising these - feel free to sign up)

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

