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HVM/Electrician Apprenticeships in Ireland

  • 30-03-2013 1:37am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    I've decided I want to do an apprenticeship after school and I've narrowed it down to a Heavy vehicle mechanic apprenticeship or an electrician one. Can anyone advise me on which is the best apprenticeship to do and will there be much of a chance of getting a job once the apprenticeship is over

    I'm also wondering if anyone has any idea where the best place is do to either of these apprenticeships. I understand that Bus Eireann take on apprentices almost every year but is there any other truck or bus companies do the same? As for electricians, ESB take on almost every year as well.

    Any advise is essential to me - even the smallest bit of information anyone has would be much appreciated. Thanks.


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