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What is the worst thing you've seen on the Internet



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Fukuyama

    Only every made on foray into the "Deep Web" - and that was to check out Silk Road and see what all the talk was about. Over three years ago now I'd say. Just browsed. Tried to navigate to a few other places but it's actually very difficult to use. Lots of dead links and a lot of random crap that's useless. Very odd and once the novelty of accessing the Deep Web wears off (15 mins, max) you realise the actual Internet is way more fun.

    Biggest waste of time ever. And really fcuking slow.

    Worst things I've ever seen online were:

    2 girls 1 cup (no problem watching it)

    One man, One Jar (flinched and clenched, but could handle it)
    Cole-Train (pretty sickening. I have a strong stomach but it was sickening to see that. I do not envy the driver, emergency services or the guy with the shovel and bin bag).

    Ukranian combat footage. Have seen quite a bit. Plenty of open skulls, bodies, blood, missing limbs etc... I don't know why but combat core is easier to watch. There's actually less cruelty to it. You know how the guys died and most times it's a fairly quick (if bloody) end. A far cry from torture or whatever. I'm very interested in current affairs and military issues - following this conflict quite closely and videos from the frontlines are very insightful into the actual state of affairs versus what gets reported.

    Budd Dwyer - I've seen the full video. Jesus christ never again. US politician is making a speech having been (wrongfully) accused of several crimes. Stops halfway, reaches into suitcase, produced large handgun (magnum?), place in mouth, everyone gasps and try to react, the camera is right on his face and BOOM. I still get flashback to it. Instant regret. Pretty much stopped me clicking 'play' on any future gore/death videos. DO NOT WATCH THIS. SERIOUSLY.

    I'm fairly morbidly curious. I don't know why. I'm convinced most people watch these videos out of a similar sense of curiosity or wondering if they can 'take it'. Not because they're psychos. I also don't think you can fully appreciate the depravity of the likes of ISIS until you see what they do - and not the sanitized Sky News version (not for everyone though - fair enough).

    I refuse to watch that Russian video though (hammer, two guys one). I've read too many accounts of people not sleeping, having nightmares, flashbacks and feeling like **** for weeks. NOPE. Just don't want to see it at all. I've read accounts and it just sounds miserable, depraved and sickening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭Wurzelbert


    was an interesting site 10+ years ago...think they stopped updating a while back..."oopsie at the train station" comes to mind...and then there are those images of yemenite circumcision i saw a while back on some other site...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭beks101

    I've seen some horrific sh1t in my time. Some stuff leaves me nonchalant, some other stuff leaves me horrified. I can never predict which will hit me and which won't.

    A recent one would probably be from the recent flare up of violence in Gaza. Not the internet, but I was at work sitting at my job at a news desk, looked up at a monitor overhead to see a live shot of the aftermath of the bombing of a UN school. Some guy had run into the school right after the bomb went off, grabbed his gravely injured daughter and dragged her out of the building in his arms, weeping and yelling hysterically for help.

    Two of her limbs had been blown off, her skull was cracked open and her intestines were spilling out. She couldn't have been more than four or five, kitted out in her uniform and with a listless expression on her face. Her father was losing the plot, completely out of it with absolutely unmentionable grief as she died there in his arms. And the camera kept rolling.

    Had to take a moment to compose myself after that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,740 ✭✭✭the evasion_kid

    Russian soldiers being beheaded in Dagestan,I said I'd never watch it,fcuk even the transcript is a terrifying read

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,069 ✭✭✭✭The_Kew_Tour

    These boys were beyond anything.

    I hope they Rot in hell for 1000s of years

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 768 ✭✭✭SpaceSasqwatch

    has to be the 2 mexican gang members getting beheaded with a chainsaw.Didnt sleep for weeks afterwards.Refuse to watch any gore after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Fukuyama

    has to be the 2 mexican gang members getting beheaded with a chainsaw.Didnt sleep for weeks afterwards.Refuse to watch any gore after that.

    Will be adding any Mexican cartel **** to my DO NOT WATCH list.

    It's not the cruelty, it's the senselessness and un-sporting nature of it all. Zero compassion or respect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,188 ✭✭✭Andrewf20

    Fur farms in China. Horrific.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 5,575 ✭✭✭AlanS181824

    It's very weird, I can watch all these videos with people in it, the 2 Ukrainian guys, ISIS beheadings, the Jordanian pilot being burnt alive and they're awful but I can tolerate them.

    I see any video involving animal violence and I'm reduced to tears virtually straight away.

    I think that there is a majority of people myself included who have just become desensitised to violence/horror.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Fukuyama

    It's very weird, I can watch all these videos with people in it, the 2 Ukrainian guys, ISIS beheadings, the Jordanian pilot being burnt alive and they're awful but I can tolerate them.

    I see any video involving animal violence and I'm reduced to tears virtually straight away.

    I think that there is a majority of people myself included who have just become desensitised to violence/horror.

    I think that the nature of whats going on plays a big roll. What often stays with me isn't the actual gore, but a sad feeling about humanity.

    I can see combat footage no problem. Literally a mans head exploding in his helmet. It's bad and shocking, but I can watch it. Even in bitter conflicts two sides can treat one another humanely when captured and only kill each other on the battelfield. The Rules of War and general good conduct among soldiers add a certain level of civility which makes the deaths and gore easier to bare. I have a much greater respect for war in general having watched them too. Everytime another conflict kicks off I always feel like the politicians involved couldn't possibly truly understand what they're sending people off to do. The movies glamorize it. Even documentaries that show terrors of war don't even come close as they can't show the stuff that soldiers face. War can bring out the best restraint in the worst of men and it can bring out the savage, depraved beast in the best. :( Videos online show it for how it is: a sometimes necessary, mostly not, killing match between men aged 18-35.

    However, torture is depraved and inexcusable in virtually any situation. Senseless killings and sadistic torture pisses all over this civility and it makes me question mankind. It's the pointlessness of it all and the helplessness of the victims (animal or human).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,052 ✭✭✭Un Croissant

    Offended challenge. Top link.

    Don't know what the story is with it. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,770 ✭✭✭Jen Pigs Fly

    pockets3d wrote: »

    Yea, bit of info on that link before its clicked On would be appreciated :D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,797 ✭✭✭Kevin McCloud

    A type of nudey thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 564 ✭✭✭ChunkyLover54

    Dean0088 wrote: »

    Budd Dwyer - I've seen the full video. Jesus christ never again. US politician is making a speech having been (wrongfully) accused of several crimes. Stops halfway, reaches into suitcase, produced large handgun (magnum?), place in mouth, everyone gasps and try to react, the camera is right on his face and BOOM. I still get flashback to it. Instant regret. Pretty much stopped me clicking 'play' on any future gore/death videos. DO NOT WATCH THIS. SERIOUSLY.

    It's not the most disturbing video I've seen but I agree it's absolutely disgusting. Especially the way the camera zooms and lingers on his face - his dead eyes staring at the camera and that obscene Hitler-moustache of blood pouring out his nostrils.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭cruasder777

    househero wrote: »
    You just reminded me of the absolute worst thing I have seen.

    About 20 years ago (when photos used to take about 2 minutes on a dial up connection)

    As a young boy, I saw a man who had been hit by a train and a mexican newspaper had published an unedited image of him. Can still see him blown open. I couldn't stop looking, was ery disturbing and equally intriguing.

    2 kids got killed in front of me in Bosnia. I had lots of nightmares after it.

    Saw some horrible stuff in the Gulf War. But I dont have PTSD.

    I dont see the world in that shallow way many do, the line between life and death is very narrow.

    Despise people who hurt kids, animals etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 498 ✭✭Mallagio

    2 kids got killed in front of me in Bosnia. I had lots of nightmares after it.

    Saw some horrible stuff in the Gulf War. But I dont have PTSD.

    I dont see the world in that shallow way many do, the line between life and death is very narrow.

    Despise people who hurt kids, animals etc.

    Not a nice thing to see pal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭the_monkey

    I didn't see any of those execution videos, however I did see the very start of the mexican one - no violence literrally the 1st few words as they were being "interviewed", that was enough to switch off - and how easy it is to access this crap, I really worry about my son when he's old enough
    to navigate the net ..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,372 ✭✭✭LorMal

    I really implore people not to watch ANY of this stuff. It brings evil into our psyche - it is corrupting and can take the joy and light from our hearts.
    I looked at some awful torture stuff from the war in Syria. As first I was just curious about what was happening 'on the ground' as you see so little about this conflict in the news.
    But the stuff I saw has really affected and upset me. One poor young soldier being whipped mercilessly, lying totally exposed with his hands tied behind his back. He was emitting this deep moan of terror, pain and hopelessness - utterly alone. They just laughed and kept beating him, spitting on him, setting his hair on fire.
    He reminded me of my son - similar age.
    Never, never, never again. I am haunted by this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭Wurzelbert

    LorMal wrote: »
    I really implore people not to watch ANY of this stuff. It brings evil into our psyche - it is corrupting and can take the joy and light from our hearts.
    I looked at some awful torture stuff from the war in Syria. As first I was just curious about what was happening 'on the ground' as you see so little about this conflict in the news.
    But the stuff I saw has really affected and upset me. One poor young soldier being whipped mercilessly, lying totally exposed with his hands tied behind his back. He was emitting this deep moan of terror, pain and hopelessness - utterly alone. They just laughed and kept beating him, spitting on him, setting his hair on fire.
    He reminded me of my son - similar age.
    Never, never, never again. I am haunted by this.

    you may have a point, yet i think occasional reality checks also have value...i think it is informative and sobering to see what really happens out there and that the world is a bad opposed to just reading and hearing about it all and watching heavily censored tv footage from the comfort of the living room chair...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,372 ✭✭✭LorMal

    Wurzelbert wrote: »
    you may have a point, yet i think occasional reality checks also have value...i think it is informative and sobering to see what really happens out there and that the world is a bad opposed to just reading and hearing about it all and watching heavily censored tv footage from the comfort of the living room chair...

    I don't think the world is a bad place. That's my point, in a way. This stuff is corrupting because it normalises the obscene, the inhuman and the grotesque.
    It's is not normal or usual behaviour. It is an abomination.
    I condemn it to Hell where it belongs.
    Most humans are good. The world can beautiful. It depends on what we focus on.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭the_monkey

    Wurzelbert wrote: »
    you may have a point, yet i think occasional reality checks also have value...i think it is informative and sobering to see what really happens out there and that the world is a bad opposed to just reading and hearing about it all and watching heavily censored tv footage from the comfort of the living room chair...

    Yeah but where do draw the line ?

    Should we watch a kiddie porno movie being made to see what kind of depravity goes on in the world ?

    Isn't it enough to know the sh'it happens rather then destroy your sanity by seeing it ?

    I remember I used to work with a dead eyed little morinic knacker who spent all his free time watching this sh'it , this was back in 2005, when phones didn't have the best video yet he had a lot of it on his phone.

    There was nothing behind those eyes ... like he was braindead ... and he needed that sh'it constantly to give him his kicks ... I can only imagine the state of his mind now .... the dead eyed moronic little c'unt....
