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Aims for 2013?



  • Registered Users Posts: 378 ✭✭cade

    cade wrote: »
    Here're my goals for 2013. I tried to keep them reasonable.
    • To expand my group of friends.
    • To, by the end of the year,
      1. be able to perform both the front splits, on both sides, and the box splits; Achieved via a committment to stretch a minimum of once a day, five days a week.
      2. be able to perform a free standing hand stand, ten hand stand push ups, a hand spring, a no handed cart wheel and a one handed back roll.
      3. be able to play a minimum of twenty four songs on my guitar, and twelve on my Ukulele.
      4. have completed my learning from books one to four of 'Japanese from Zero'.
      5. have gone surfing and snowboarding a minimum of four times.

    My results

    I reconnected with some old friends and made some new friends from being more social in the martial arts clubs I frequent. This trend I shall be continuing as I really need to expand my social circle. Meeting up with some people tonight who were my main friends in college, but who I haven't spoken to in two years, so lets see how that goes.

    1) This was going on track until march, when after my routine warm up, at the very first small stretch, I felt something in my hip pop, a shooting pain went up my thight and I dropped to the floor. So I had to take the next few month off to allow that to heal. I started light stretching again in October and can now kick to the head again, so I'm ready to start back in to this.

    2a) Hand stand, I can hold it for about 90 seconds.
    2b) Hand stand push ups, I managed two. Currenty at 15 of the 20 pull up challenge I started to try build up my shoulder muscles to help this.
    2c)Hand spring, yep, with the use of a gymnastics ball - this was not something I got to practice a lot.
    2d)Not yet, I've perfected a one handed front and sidewards cartwheel.
    2e)Yep, and I can do a no handed back roll, and a no handed side roll too now.

    3) My committment to my martial arts ate up the time for playing my guitar. Though on the last few weeks I've picked up again and have gotten through six songs. I gave up on the Ukulele.

    4) I got through book one. Which was a lot harder than I thought. It was the numerous counting methods that killed my progress.

    5) I went to Sea Sessions with the intention of surfing at it, which I'd done last year. There were no waves. I didn't go snowboarding as I couldn't get a pair of hardshell crashpants. Dainese have just started manufacturing them again in the last two months of so.

    So, some completed, some not. I was hindered in some by the fact I had to spend a good bit of my free time doing physio exercises to correct a knee injury, and also I was reliant on busses for the first three quarters of the year due to bike problems, so that ate up some of my free time too.

    I've every intention of continuing these into 2014 with the intention of completion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,983 ✭✭✭✭Hermione*

    Hermione* wrote: »
    I approve muchly :pac: Honestly, though, you won't regret it :)

    My aims:

    - progress professionally
    - revisit my marathon ambitions. I did a half last year and would like to build on that.
    - become a morning runner. It appeals so much to me, but I am not a morning person. I want to be.
    - develop a more regulated yoga practice. I need to push myself more in it, instead of always doing my favourites.
    - save more
    Ooh, interesting to revisit these!
    - progress professionally. Check. Moved to a more senior, permanent role in May, after years of long-term contracts. Very challenging, but I'm learning a lot and discovering that I know quite a bit, too.
    - revisit my marathon ambitions. Epic fail. Still at half marathons. Becoming much more comfortable with the 10+ mile distances.
    - become a morning runner. Also a fail. Falling in love with twilight running didn't help here, either :pac: But I love running in the twilight and watching the colours in the sky change. Very uplifting after a long day.
    - develop a more regulated yoga practice. Check. Hello, pigeon pose!
    - save more. Hmmm. I'd say 50-50 here. Too much fun was had!

    Not a bad year in all :)
