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2007 Macbook with possible hardware issues-worth upgrading ram?

  • 16-10-2012 4:34pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,811 ✭✭✭

    I have a 2007 Macbook with 1gb ram, currently running Leopard. I was going to upgrade to Snow Leopard (ordered the disk from Apple over the phone), but was holding off as it needs more ram and I was broke.

    One day in late August I turned it on, went to make some tea and when I came back the screen was dead. I restarted the laptop several times, and tried to reset the SMC and PRAM to no avail.

    A week later I remembered I needed to get a document on it that I stupidly hadn't backed up, so tried turning it on again. The screen came on, but was blinking on and off about once very three seconds. I reset the SMC and PRAM again and the blinking slowed down to about once very 10 minutes or so. When I tried to turn it on the next day the screen was completely black again.

    I decided two weeks ago to try it one last time. Since then, the screen has come on perfectly every day with no blinking or any other issues.

    So I'm wondering at this stage if it is worth buying the extra ram to upgrade to 10.6. The machine is just about usable as it is but it doesn't really have enough memory for multitasking, even on Leopard.. On the other hand I don't want to spend more money on it if it is likely to fail completely in the near future.

    Has anyone else ever encountered anything like this?
