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hi everyone

  • 16-09-2012 11:09am
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi I joined here due to a complete lack of female friends, im 28, from Dublin and find it hard to meet girls due to my job, im a mechanic but that doesn't make me gay. Not that I find anything wrong with that sexuality its just people are quick to judge when they see the overalls. Anyway im into nights out and in love shopping but its no fun alone boy mates just wernt cut out for shoppin trips.. miss having girlie chats an just general girl company as I have no sisters either. Hope this doesn't sound desperate.anyone interested+my+email+is+<snip>+thanks+mia+xox


  • Posts: 50,630 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Hi Mia.

    Welcome to boards :)

    Please see piece from charter below to help you find the correct place to post.

    Please don't post personal information on boards, this is for your own safety :)

    Best of luck.
    As the Ladies Lounge is primarily a discussion forum, we lock "request for friends", "new to X regional location - please advise" type threads.

    Please feel free to make use of the dedicated forum for meet ups HERE - details on requirements for getting access HERE...

    Check the stickies at the top of the front page for a Loungers Beers thread...

    You can always get chatting on THIS thread...

    And of course for any geographically specific requests, there are the regional forums HERE

    Many thanks. :cool:

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