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Leaky Gut - Please Help!!!

  • 26-02-2012 1:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 33

    Just wondering if theres anybody else out there who has suffered from Leaky Gut or recovered from same? I have lost alot of weight, am exhausted tired, feel very weak, cannot absorb foods (food in stools), have constant thrush, constantly sick and am hypersensitive to lots of foods, alcohol & certain medications. My poor husband and family are doing their best for me, but I feel that I am a major burden. Doctors just keep saying I'm depressed. Arragh!! I have attended a psychiatrist and counsellor, who said I am NOT depressed and understand the way I'm feeling, but don't know who can help. I am getting depressed the way I'm feeling. After lots of googling, I think LEAKY GUT could be my problem. I had allergy testing done and am allergic to casein (protein found in animal milk). I am also intolernent to gluten and have been off both gluten & milk for the last 4mths. I honestly feel this illness is going to end my life. Please help. I hate feeling like this. I have so much I want to live for.


  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Please please please go back to a different doctor. First line of business would be to get tested for coeliac, second would be crohn's, third would be a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, fourth would be a stool analysis for pathogens and fifth would be leaky gut. There are tests for the last three but they are not well known and you make have to insist a bit to get them.

    You need to know what your dealing with before you can fight it

    SIBO test

    Stool Analysis

    Leaky gut test - Called the Sugar Absorption test (SAT)

    It's very hard to get GPs to take GI symptoms seriously for some reason so you have to arm yourself with knowledge and demand to be tested.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    While your waiting for the results of tests it would be no harm to try out the 'specific carbohydrate diet', I highly recommend the book and there isn't really a digestive issue I wouldn't recommend it for:

    I really am quite shocked that the doctor does not take your sudden unexplained weight loss seriously, that's one of the most concerning symptoms to have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 Heather21

    I have gone to so many different doctors and consultants and feel I dont have the strength to go on searching. I've had the coeliac test done, but it came back clear, but then again I am staying off gluten, as it makes me feel worse. I've seen 2 different gastroentologists who did a colonscopy and endoscopy and said these were both clear. I suggested parasites to my now GP (I left my original) and she laughed. I didn't realsise about the SIBO test and nobody even suggested stool anaylsis. Thank you so much for your help. I am going to show my husband your post and get him to come with me. I look absolutely horrendous how thin I've got and feel I am developing depression the way I'm feeling. I can't stop crying and am convinced I am on the way out.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    Heather21 wrote: »
    I have gone to so many different doctors and consultants and feel I dont have the strength to go on searching. I've had the coeliac test done, but it came back clear, but then again I am staying off gluten, as it makes me feel worse. I've seen 2 different gastroentologists who did a colonscopy and endoscopy and said these were both clear. I suggested parasites to my now GP (I left my original) and she laughed. I didn't realsise about the SIBO test and nobody even suggested stool anaylsis. Thank you so much for your help. I am going to show my husband your post and get him to come with me. I look absolutely horrendous how thin I've got and feel I am developing depression the way I'm feeling. I can't stop crying and am convinced I am on the way out.

    Did you have a B12 and zinc test done? Ditto ferritin levels for Iron. If you're not absorbing any nutrition this will contribute to making you feel very low, you might need injections. I'd hop on the SCD diet ASAP.

    What did the docs say? Did they offer any explanation at all for your severe symptoms? Either way hang on in there, you will get there and get your life back.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 Heather21

    When they did the scope, they tested for B12 and that was ok. All my bloods are clear too. My cholesterol can err on the high side from time to time. I have had gynae probs in the past and have lots of adhesions on my left side due to several operations, and was advised not to get constipated. I can't have children, so they are putting it down to depression due to my age (38). I questioned depression myself too, but I attended a great phychotherapist who I've talked everything out and accepted the cards I've been dealt. I just want to get well and honestly couldn't care less if I ever had my own biological child/ren. If I get my health back on track, we would love to foster eventually, but think thats a long way off. I will never take my health for granted and just want to enjoy life again. Thank you so much for your help.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 5,620 ✭✭✭El_Dangeroso

    You could well be depressed, I get depressed when my health is bad too, especially digestive issues, it's so debilitating and you can't really let people you don't know well know what's wrong with you. I hope you have success with this and please let us know when you get better and what helped so that others could be helped by your experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 Heather21

    Thank you El Dangeroso. I was tried on Lexapro about a year ago when they thought I was depressed, but I was hypersensitive to same - tingling in cheeks and couldn't calm down. I had to take a xanax to calm down. I would glady take these pills if that was my problem, but can't. This is going on almost 3yrs now. I have gone from a size 16 to size 8.I really think digestive issues. Time will tell. Thanks again for all your help. I will let you know how I get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 dar2054

    Hi Heather just wondering how you got on with looking into your leaky gut.

    I have a pdf a leaky gut if your interested in reading it.
    I am looking into it myself.

    It can affect your thyroid as well and can cause a lot of other illnesses including autism.
